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Posts posted by pgeiem

  1. Thanks for your answer.

    I finally found the issue I had. As you say it's related to kerning. I am using a monospace font (created by your online converter) so I was expecting a fixed character width. This is correct only if the flag MF_FONT_FLAG_MONOSPACE is set on the font file. This was not the case in my font.

    I have manually added this flag and everything work perfectly.

    The question now is why the online converter don't set this flag with monospace font ? Do we have to add an extra parameter ?


  2. Hi all,

    I am using mcufont in one of my project and need to get the text bounding box (width and height of the text in a selected font).

    I use attribute font->height to get height and function mf_get_string_width() to get text width.

    I have an issue with mf_get_string_width() as the returned width seems to be always slightly too width. It's also seems to depend of the displayed text and the font. Do you know how to find the real text width ?

    Thanks in advance for any help


  3. Hi I need to add many fonts to my project using mcufont.

    I have tried your online converter but it doesn't work. It always return the following error message: "Could not import font - bad file format?"

    I have then tried to build the mcufont encoder but it doesn't work. I always have the following

    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std:

    what(): libfreetype error 2: unknown file format


    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'

    what(): libfreetype error 85: invalid stream operation

    Do you have any similar issue ? Does anyone have a working compiled mcufont encoder for Windows ?

    Thanks in advance for any help


  4. Hy all,

    I am new to uGFX and would like to use it in a new project.

    This project use a 640 x 480 TFT display connected directly to the TFT controller of my microcontroler.

    I have a large 8Mbyte external SDRAM that will be used as frame buffer and heap.

    I have the idea to use only the GDISP module as I have no OS and I am interested only by text rendering and images support.

    I have seen that uGFX is more designed for external display controller with low internal RAM. Do you think it would work easily in my application ?

    Do you have already a mode for large frame buffer ? What part of GOS do I have to port for GDISP ?

    Thanks in advance for your help

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