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Posts posted by DrAB


    Regarding large font size ... if you try DejaVuSans-Bold you will see that you can't generate a size >150 ... mcufont just exits (with no error reported).

    I happen to want to display a few very large digits on my embedded display - thus the need to generate large sizes.

    So, I did some VisualStudio debugging for 'import_ttf DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf 144 bw'. It turns out that 'mcufont::rlefont::init_dictionary(*f);' (in main.cc/cmd_import_ttf) uses huge amounts of RAM and eventually throws std::bad_alloc ex, which being uncaught exits with no error message!

    Unhandled exception at 0x767Fxxxx in mcufont.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::bad_alloc at memory location 0x00F9xxxx.

    Recompiling with 32-bit /3GB or in 64-bit avoids the problem - but an error message would have been helpful.



    I will look into making the changes required to gU8 font->line_height ... to g16.

  2. I will look for another Simplified Chinese font (definitely TTF) and try with that.

    Regarding large font size ... if you try DejaVuSans-Bold you will see that you can't generate a size >150 ... mcufont just exits (with no error reported).

    Also, if you do manage to generate a large font ... e.g. Anton-Regular at size=182 (the largest that produces a DAT file) you will find that the gU8 font->line_height field is "267, /* line height */", which isn't working well because the field was too small!



  3. Trying to use Google Noto Sans SC (Simplified Chinese) font.
    Downloaded the OTF and (import_ttf)  converted to DAT using mcufont.exe 16 bw.
    But bwfont_export terminates with a partially complete .c file.


    Separately mcufont terminates when generating large, say 200, font sizes, and doesn't produce a usable DAT file.



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