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Posts posted by Connel

  1. 4 minutes ago, Joel Bodenmann said:

    3) Regarding the minor issue: Are you talking about the resources folder of the µGFX-Studio project or the one that gets generated when you generate the code?

    the resources folder of the µGFX-Studio project

    <edit> ignore that, it is when i press clean

  2. Couple questions:
    1) Is there anyway to reorganize order of widgets within a page, for instance if i add an imagebox and a label, sometimes the label will appear below the imagebox if created in the wrong order. also potentially moving widgets in and out of a container.

    2) Is there a way to edit the native PushButton style, for instance the 'edge' is only rhs and bottom what if we wanted edge to be all sides or rounded corners/etc.

    v0.22.3; minor issue i find is when generate code, the original .ttf fonts are removed from the resource folder so need to re-add to get the project to appear correctly in studio again, otherwise it goes back to the default font for everything. the generated .c files remain

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