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  1. Hi, thanks for replying. would you please explain more. I ran another chibios demo example properly. without these messages. I also have to say that I put the ugfx lib in C:\ChibiStudio, and put project folder of ugfx_chibios_stm32f429i_chibistudio in C:\ChibiStudio\workspace_user. Is it OK to do this?
  2. Hi I have an openmcu board which has a stm32f429igt6 microcontroller on itself. After downloading the website example for STM32F429i-Discovery, tried to compile it but I got just these messages: Description Resource Path Location Type ../../chibios176: Permission denied Makefile /ugfxTest line 234 C/C++ Problem make: *** No rule to make target `/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/rules.mk'. Stop. ugfxTest C/C++ Problem I have to say that as readme file said I made these changes to makefile too: CHIBIOS = ../../chibios176 GFXLIB = ../../ugfx and then cleaned and rebuilt project too. but nothing changed. should I change anything else?
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