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Robert G.

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  1. Cant figure this out
  2. thanks. solution of cpu20 is worked.
  3. I think problem is here (changed from ORIGINAL) and it will read, but somehow it can't out off funciton f_read and continue thread, but data is right: static bool_t fatfsOpen(GFILE* f, const char* fname) { FIL fd; #if !GFILE_NEED_NOAUTOMOUNT if (!fatfs_mounted && !fatfsMount("")) return FALSE; #endif // if (!(fd = gfxAlloc(sizeof(FIL)))) // return FALSE; if (f_open(&fd, fname, fatfs_flags2mode(f)) != FR_OK) { // gfxFree(fd); f->obj = 0; return FALSE; } f->obj = (void*)&fd; #if !GFILE_NEED_NOAUTOSYNC // no need to sync when not opening for write if (f->flags & GFILEFLG_WRITE) { f_sync( (FIL*)f->obj ); } #endif return TRUE; } ORIGINAL: static bool_t fatfsOpen(GFILE* f, const char* fname) { FIL* fd; #if !GFILE_NEED_NOAUTOMOUNT if (!fatfs_mounted && !fatfsMount("")) return FALSE; #endif if (!(fd = gfxAlloc(sizeof(FIL)))) return FALSE; if (f_open(fd, fname, fatfs_flags2mode(f)) != FR_OK) { gfxFree(fd); f->obj = 0; return FALSE; } f->obj = (void*)fd; #if !GFILE_NEED_NOAUTOSYNC // no need to sync when not opening for write if (f->flags & GFILEFLG_WRITE) { f_sync( (FIL*)f->obj ); } #endif return TRUE; }
  4. int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { gfxInit(); // uint8_t workBuffer[2048]; // volatile FRESULT mkResult = f_mkfs("QSPI", FM_FAT | FM_SFD, 4*512, workBuffer, 2048); gdispSetBacklight(100); gdispSetContrast(100); geventListenerInit(&glistener); gwinAttachListener(&glistener); guiCreate(); // writeUgfxImage(); volatile uint8_t arr[10] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; volatile uint8_t readArr[10]; volatile uint8_t readArr2[10]; // writeSimpleFile("test.png", arr, 10); readSimpleFile("test.png", readArr, 10); \\ this read array with values of arr[10] readUgfxFile2("F|test.png", readArr2, 10); \\ this with zeros readUgfxFile("F|test.png"); \\ this with zeros while (1) { // chThdSleepMilliseconds(300); guiEventLoop(); } return 0; } void writeSimpleFile(char* name, uint8_t *buff, UINT n) { FATFS fileSystem; FIL testFile; f_mount(&fileSystem, "QSPI", 1); volatile UINT sizeB = 0; volatile FRESULT ttt = f_open(&testFile, name, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE); volatile FRESULT writeFl = f_write (&testFile, buff, n, &sizeB); volatile closeSt = f_close(&testFile); } void readSimpleFile(char* name, uint8_t *buff, UINT n) { FATFS fileSystem; FIL testFile; f_mount(&fileSystem, "QSPI", 1); volatile UINT sizeB = 0; volatile FRESULT ttrt = f_open(&testFile, name, FA_READ); volatile FRESULT readStatus = f_read (&testFile, buff, n, &sizeB); volatile closeSrt = f_close(&testFile); } void writeUgfxImage() { volatile bool_t resultMount = gfileMount('F', "QSPI"); volatile GFILE* imgFile; volatile GFILE *imgFatFile; imgFile = gfileOpen("S|test-pal8.bmp", "rb"); imgFatFile = gfileOpen("F|testpal.bmp", "wx"); volatile uint16_t imgSize = gfileGetSize(imgFile); volatile uint8_t *imgBuf = gfxAlloc(gfileGetSize(imgFile)); gfileRead(imgFile, imgBuf, gfileGetSize(imgFile)); gfileWrite(imgFatFile, imgBuf, imgSize); gfileClose(imgFatFile); gfileClose(imgFile); } void readUgfxFile(char *name) { volatile bool_t resultMount = gfileMount('F', "QSPI"); volatile GFILE* imgFile; imgFile = gfileOpen(name, "rb"); volatile uint16_t imgSize = gfileGetSize(imgFile); volatile uint8_t *imgBuf = gfxAlloc(gfileGetSize(imgFile)); gfileRead(imgFile, imgBuf, gfileGetSize(imgFile)); gfileClose(imgFile); } void readUgfxFile2(char *name, uint8_t *buff, UINT n) { volatile bool_t resultMount = gfileMount('F', "QSPI"); volatile GFILE* imgFile; imgFile = gfileOpen(name, "rb"); volatile UINT sizeB = 0; FIL* testFile = (FIL*) imgFile->obj; volatile FRESULT readStatus = f_read (testFile, buff, n, &sizeB); volatile closeSrt = f_close(testFile); } void displayImage(GFILE *imgFatFile) { coord_t swidth, sheight; volatile bool_t resultMount = gfileMount('F', "QSPI"); swidth = gdispGetWidth(); sheight = gdispGetHeight(); gfileSetPos(imgFatFile, 0); volatile gdispImageError received_error = gdispImageOpenGFile(&myImage, imgFatFile); gdispImageDraw(&myImage, 0, 0, swidth, sheight, 0, 0); gdispImageClose(&myImage); } readUgfxFile(2) not working, returns array with zeros
  5. I already did this before. Yeah, he is non null and when accessing fatfs diskio.c layout read right 128 sector. But somehow bufffer is written with zeros, But when I access file with f_read or just quadIndirectReadMode I can read data that absolutely correct.
  6. Hi, I hava a stm32f746-discovery board. I'm using chibios + ugfx. Made fatfs diskio.c layout. With fatfs only all works fine, I can read and write files. Also I'm working with QSPI external flash. The problem that I can't read file on fatFS with function gfileRead. File opens with GFILE and I can get size of it. But when I read file I get array with zeros. But when I read the same sector with qspi layout I get right data. What it may be? Here is code: volatile bool_t resultMount = gfileMount('F', "QSPI"); GFILE* imgFile; volatile GFILE *imgFatFile; imgFile = gfileOpen("S|test-pal8.bmp", "rb"); imgFatFile = gfileOpen("F|testpal.bmp", "rb"); volatile uint16_t fatSS = gfileGetSize(imgFatFile); uint8_t quadRead[512]; // quadIndirectReadMode(quadRead, 512, 128*512); // get right data, sector is the same (128), sector size 512 byte gfileRead(imgFatFile, quadRead, 10); // array with 10 zeros volatile gdispImageError received_error = gdispImageOpenGFile(&myImage, imgFatFile); // the problem discovered here gdispImageDraw(&myImage, 0, 0, swidth, sheight, 0, 0); gdispImageClose(&myImage);
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