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Posts posted by NewHere94

  1. I tried the last few weeks to build a new project with chibiOS 3.0 but I couldn't get it worked. The compiler says that some files are always missing. As soon as I found the missing file, there is a new missing file. 

    Isn't there any way to get it worked with chibiOS 2.0? Does anyone successfully build a ugfx Project with the embest board and the stm32f407VG microcontroller using chibiOS2.0?

  2. I had problems with implementing Widgets (like a button), which is coupled with ginput. 

    I started my project with the basic demo and then I added text an Image (with GDISP). That went fine. After that I wanted to implement an Widget. And then I ran into some Problems. I had no compiler errors but the dispaly always stayed black. When I debugged everything trough, the debugger halted always after executing a command. So I enabled some Debug Options. After that the Debugger stops at.

    #if CH_DBG_ENABLE_TRACE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
     * @brief   Public trace buffer.
    ch_trace_buffer_t dbg_trace_buffer;
     * @brief   Trace circular buffer subsystem initialization.
     * @note    Internal use only.
    void _trace_init(void) {
      dbg_trace_buffer.tb_size = CH_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE;
      dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr = &dbg_trace_buffer.tb_buffer[0];
     * @brief   Inserts in the circular debug trace buffer a context switch record.
     * @param[in] otp       the thread being switched out
     * @notapi
    void dbg_trace(Thread *otp) {
      dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr->se_time   = chTimeNow();
      dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr->se_tp     = currp;
      dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr->se_wtobjp = otp->p_u.wtobjp;
      dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr->se_state  = (uint8_t)otp->p_state;
      if (++dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr >=
        dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr = &dbg_trace_buffer.tb_buffer[0];
    #endif /* CH_DBG_ENABLE_TRACE */

    Because I thought it should be an ChibiOS problems, I asked the ChibiOS Community. They told me that ChibiOS V2 is to old and that i should use V3.
    I think it should be a problem with stacksize or an overflow somewhere. But I have no idea where.

  3. When I look at the board.h (supplied by ChibiOS 3.x) I couldn't find any Option to enable?

        ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2015 Giovanni Di Sirio
        Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
        you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
        You may obtain a copy of the License at
        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
        distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
        WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
        See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
        limitations under the License.
    #ifndef _BOARD_H_
    #define _BOARD_H_
     * Setup for STMicroelectronics STM32F4-Discovery board.
     * Board identifier.
    #define BOARD_NAME                  "STMicroelectronics STM32F4-Discovery"
     * Board oscillators-related settings.
     * NOTE: LSE not fitted.
    #if !defined(STM32_LSECLK)
    #define STM32_LSECLK                0U
    #if !defined(STM32_HSECLK)
    #define STM32_HSECLK                8000000U
     * Board voltages.
     * Required for performance limits calculation.
    #define STM32_VDD                   300U
     * MCU type as defined in the ST header.
    #define STM32F407xx
     * IO pins assignments.
    #define GPIOA_BUTTON                0U
    #define GPIOA_PIN1                  1U
    #define GPIOA_PIN2                  2U
    #define GPIOA_PIN3                  3U
    #define GPIOA_LRCK                  4U
    #define GPIOA_SPC                   5U
    #define GPIOA_SDO                   6U
    #define GPIOA_SDI                   7U
    #define GPIOA_PIN8                  8U
    #define GPIOA_VBUS_FS               9U
    #define GPIOA_OTG_FS_ID             10U
    #define GPIOA_OTG_FS_DM             11U
    #define GPIOA_OTG_FS_DP             12U
    #define GPIOA_SWDIO                 13U
    #define GPIOA_SWCLK                 14U
    #define GPIOA_PIN15                 15U
    #define GPIOB_PIN0                  0U
    #define GPIOB_PIN1                  1U
    #define GPIOB_PIN2                  2U
    #define GPIOB_SWO                   3U
    #define GPIOB_PIN4                  4U
    #define GPIOB_PIN5                  5U
    #define GPIOB_SCL                   6U
    #define GPIOB_PIN7                  7U
    #define GPIOB_PIN8                  8U
    #define GPIOB_SDA                   9U
    #define GPIOB_CLK_IN                10U
    #define GPIOB_PIN11                 11U
    #define GPIOB_PIN12                 12U
    #define GPIOB_PIN13                 13U
    #define GPIOB_PIN14                 14U
    #define GPIOB_PIN15                 15U
    #define GPIOC_OTG_FS_POWER_ON       0U
    #define GPIOC_PIN1                  1U
    #define GPIOC_PIN2                  2U
    #define GPIOC_PDM_OUT               3U
    #define GPIOC_PIN4                  4U
    #define GPIOC_PIN5                  5U
    #define GPIOC_PIN6                  6U
    #define GPIOC_MCLK                  7U
    #define GPIOC_PIN8                  8U
    #define GPIOC_PIN9                  9U
    #define GPIOC_SCLK                  10U
    #define GPIOC_PIN11                 11U
    #define GPIOC_SDIN                  12U
    #define GPIOC_PIN13                 13U
    #define GPIOC_PIN14                 14U
    #define GPIOC_PIN15                 15U
    #define GPIOD_PIN0                  0U
    #define GPIOD_PIN1                  1U
    #define GPIOD_PIN2                  2U
    #define GPIOD_PIN3                  3U
    #define GPIOD_RESET                 4U
    #define GPIOD_OVER_CURRENT          5U
    #define GPIOD_PIN6                  6U
    #define GPIOD_PIN7                  7U
    #define GPIOD_PIN8                  8U
    #define GPIOD_PIN9                  9U
    #define GPIOD_PIN10                 10U
    #define GPIOD_PIN11                 11U
    #define GPIOD_LED4                  12U
    #define GPIOD_LED3                  13U
    #define GPIOD_LED5                  14U
    #define GPIOD_LED6                  15U
    #define GPIOE_INT1                  0U
    #define GPIOE_INT2                  1U
    #define GPIOE_PIN2                  2U
    #define GPIOE_CS_SPI                3U
    #define GPIOE_PIN4                  4U
    #define GPIOE_PIN5                  5U
    #define GPIOE_PIN6                  6U
    #define GPIOE_PIN7                  7U
    #define GPIOE_PIN8                  8U
    #define GPIOE_PIN9                  9U
    #define GPIOE_PIN10                 10U
    #define GPIOE_PIN11                 11U
    #define GPIOE_PIN12                 12U
    #define GPIOE_PIN13                 13U
    #define GPIOE_PIN14                 14U
    #define GPIOE_PIN15                 15U
    #define GPIOF_PIN0                  0U
    #define GPIOF_PIN1                  1U
    #define GPIOF_PIN2                  2U
    #define GPIOF_PIN3                  3U
    #define GPIOF_PIN4                  4U
    #define GPIOF_PIN5                  5U
    #define GPIOF_PIN6                  6U
    #define GPIOF_PIN7                  7U
    #define GPIOF_PIN8                  8U
    #define GPIOF_PIN9                  9U
    #define GPIOF_PIN10                 10U
    #define GPIOF_PIN11                 11U
    #define GPIOF_PIN12                 12U
    #define GPIOF_PIN13                 13U
    #define GPIOF_PIN14                 14U
    #define GPIOF_PIN15                 15U
    #define GPIOG_PIN0                  0U
    #define GPIOG_PIN1                  1U
    #define GPIOG_PIN2                  2U
    #define GPIOG_PIN3                  3U
    #define GPIOG_PIN4                  4U
    #define GPIOG_PIN5                  5U
    #define GPIOG_PIN6                  6U
    #define GPIOG_PIN7                  7U
    #define GPIOG_PIN8                  8U
    #define GPIOG_PIN9                  9U
    #define GPIOG_PIN10                 10U
    #define GPIOG_PIN11                 11U
    #define GPIOG_PIN12                 12U
    #define GPIOG_PIN13                 13U
    #define GPIOG_PIN14                 14U
    #define GPIOG_PIN15                 15U
    #define GPIOH_OSC_IN                0U
    #define GPIOH_OSC_OUT               1U
    #define GPIOH_PIN2                  2U
    #define GPIOH_PIN3                  3U
    #define GPIOH_PIN4                  4U
    #define GPIOH_PIN5                  5U
    #define GPIOH_PIN6                  6U
    #define GPIOH_PIN7                  7U
    #define GPIOH_PIN8                  8U
    #define GPIOH_PIN9                  9U
    #define GPIOH_PIN10                 10U
    #define GPIOH_PIN11                 11U
    #define GPIOH_PIN12                 12U
    #define GPIOH_PIN13                 13U
    #define GPIOH_PIN14                 14U
    #define GPIOH_PIN15                 15U
    #define GPIOI_PIN0                  0U
    #define GPIOI_PIN1                  1U
    #define GPIOI_PIN2                  2U
    #define GPIOI_PIN3                  3U
    #define GPIOI_PIN4                  4U
    #define GPIOI_PIN5                  5U
    #define GPIOI_PIN6                  6U
    #define GPIOI_PIN7                  7U
    #define GPIOI_PIN8                  8U
    #define GPIOI_PIN9                  9U
    #define GPIOI_PIN10                 10U
    #define GPIOI_PIN11                 11U
    #define GPIOI_PIN12                 12U
    #define GPIOI_PIN13                 13U
    #define GPIOI_PIN14                 14U
    #define GPIOI_PIN15                 15U
     * I/O ports initial setup, this configuration is established soon after reset
     * in the initialization code.
     * Please refer to the STM32 Reference Manual for details.
    #define PIN_MODE_INPUT(n)           (0U << ((n) * 2U))
    #define PIN_MODE_OUTPUT(n)          (1U << ((n) * 2U))
    #define PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(n)       (2U << ((n) * 2U))
    #define PIN_MODE_ANALOG(n)          (3U << ((n) * 2U))
    #define PIN_ODR_LOW(n)              (0U << (n))
    #define PIN_ODR_HIGH(n)             (1U << (n))
    #define PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(n)       (0U << (n))
    #define PIN_OTYPE_OPENDRAIN(n)      (1U << (n))
    #define PIN_OSPEED_2M(n)            (0U << ((n) * 2U))
    #define PIN_OSPEED_25M(n)           (1U << ((n) * 2U))
    #define PIN_OSPEED_50M(n)           (2U << ((n) * 2U))
    #define PIN_OSPEED_100M(n)          (3U << ((n) * 2U))
    #define PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(n)       (0U << ((n) * 2U))
    #define PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(n)         (1U << ((n) * 2U))
    #define PIN_PUPDR_PULLDOWN(n)       (2U << ((n) * 2U))
    #define PIN_AFIO_AF(n, v)           ((v) << (((n) % 8U) * 4U))
     * GPIOA setup:
     * PA0  - BUTTON                    (input floating).
     * PA1  - PIN1                      (input pullup).
     * PA2  - PIN2                      (input pullup).
     * PA3  - PIN3                      (input pullup).
     * PA4  - LRCK                      (alternate 6).
     * PA5  - SPC                       (alternate 5).
     * PA6  - SDO                       (alternate 5).
     * PA7  - SDI                       (alternate 5).
     * PA8  - PIN8                      (input pullup).
     * PA9  - VBUS_FS                   (input floating).
     * PA10 - OTG_FS_ID                 (alternate 10).
     * PA11 - OTG_FS_DM                 (alternate 10).
     * PA12 - OTG_FS_DP                 (alternate 10).
     * PA13 - SWDIO                     (alternate 0).
     * PA14 - SWCLK                     (alternate 0).
     * PA15 - PIN15                     (input pullup).
    #define VAL_GPIOA_MODER             (PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOA_BUTTON) |         \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOA_PIN1) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOA_PIN2) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOA_PIN3) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOA_LRCK) |       \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOA_SPC) |        \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOA_SDO) |        \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOA_SDI) |        \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOA_PIN8) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOA_VBUS_FS) |        \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOA_OTG_FS_ID) |  \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOA_OTG_FS_DM) |  \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOA_OTG_FS_DP) |  \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOA_SWDIO) |      \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOA_SWCLK) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_PIN1) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_PIN3) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_LRCK) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_SPC) |        \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_SDO) |        \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_SDI) |        \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_VBUS_FS) |    \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_OTG_FS_ID) |  \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_OTG_FS_DM) |  \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_OTG_FS_DP) |  \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_SWDIO) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOA_SWCLK) |      \
    #define VAL_GPIOA_OSPEEDR           (PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOA_BUTTON) |        \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOA_PIN1) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOA_PIN2) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOA_PIN3) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOA_LRCK) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_50M(GPIOA_SPC) |            \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_50M(GPIOA_SDO) |            \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_50M(GPIOA_SDI) |            \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOA_PIN8) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOA_VBUS_FS) |       \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOA_OTG_FS_ID) |     \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOA_OTG_FS_DM) |     \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOA_OTG_FS_DP) |     \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOA_SWDIO) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOA_SWCLK) |         \
    #define VAL_GPIOA_PUPDR             (PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOA_BUTTON) |     \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOA_PIN1) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOA_PIN2) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOA_PIN3) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOA_LRCK) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOA_SPC) |        \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOA_SDO) |        \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOA_SDI) |        \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOA_PIN8) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOA_VBUS_FS) |    \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOA_OTG_FS_ID) |  \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOA_OTG_FS_DM) |  \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOA_OTG_FS_DP) |  \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOA_SWDIO) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOA_SWCLK) |      \
    #define VAL_GPIOA_ODR               (PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_BUTTON) |           \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_PIN1) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_PIN2) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_PIN3) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_LRCK) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_SPC) |              \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_SDO) |              \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_SDI) |              \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_PIN8) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_VBUS_FS) |          \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_OTG_FS_ID) |        \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_OTG_FS_DM) |        \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_OTG_FS_DP) |        \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_SWDIO) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOA_SWCLK) |            \
    #define VAL_GPIOA_AFRL              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_BUTTON, 0) |         \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_PIN1, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_PIN2, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_PIN3, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_LRCK, 6) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_SPC, 5) |            \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_SDO, 5) |            \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_SDI, 5))
    #define VAL_GPIOA_AFRH              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_PIN8, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_VBUS_FS, 0) |        \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_OTG_FS_ID, 10) |     \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_OTG_FS_DM, 10) |     \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_OTG_FS_DP, 10) |     \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_SWDIO, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_SWCLK, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOA_PIN15, 0))
     * GPIOB setup:
     * PB0  - PIN0                      (input pullup).
     * PB1  - PIN1                      (input pullup).
     * PB2  - PIN2                      (input pullup).
     * PB3  - SWO                       (alternate 0).
     * PB4  - PIN4                      (input pullup).
     * PB5  - PIN5                      (input pullup).
     * PB6  - SCL                       (alternate 4).
     * PB7  - PIN7                      (input pullup).
     * PB8  - PIN8                      (input pullup).
     * PB9  - SDA                       (alternate 4).
     * PB10 - CLK_IN                    (input pullup).
     * PB11 - PIN11                     (input pullup).
     * PB12 - PIN12                     (input pullup).
     * PB13 - PIN13                     (input pullup).
     * PB14 - PIN14                     (input pullup).
     * PB15 - PIN15                     (input pullup).
    #define VAL_GPIOB_MODER             (PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOB_PIN0) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOB_PIN1) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOB_PIN2) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOB_SWO) |        \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOB_PIN4) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOB_PIN5) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOB_SCL) |        \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOB_PIN7) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOB_PIN8) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOB_SDA) |        \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOB_CLK_IN) |         \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOB_PIN11) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOB_PIN12) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOB_PIN13) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOB_PIN14) |          \
    #define VAL_GPIOB_OTYPER            (PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOB_PIN0) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOB_PIN1) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOB_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOB_SWO) |        \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOB_PIN4) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOB_PIN5) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_OPENDRAIN(GPIOB_SCL) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOB_PIN7) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOB_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_OPENDRAIN(GPIOB_SDA) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOB_CLK_IN) |     \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOB_PIN11) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOB_PIN12) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOB_PIN13) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOB_PIN14) |      \
    #define VAL_GPIOB_OSPEEDR           (PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_PIN0) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_PIN1) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_PIN2) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_SWO) |           \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_PIN4) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_PIN5) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_SCL) |           \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_PIN7) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_PIN8) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_SDA) |           \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_CLK_IN) |        \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_PIN11) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_PIN12) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_PIN13) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOB_PIN14) |         \
    #define VAL_GPIOB_PUPDR             (PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOB_PIN0) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOB_PIN1) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOB_PIN2) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOB_SWO) |        \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOB_PIN4) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOB_PIN5) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOB_SCL) |        \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOB_PIN7) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOB_PIN8) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOB_SDA) |        \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOB_CLK_IN) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOB_PIN11) |        \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOB_PIN12) |        \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOB_PIN13) |        \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOB_PIN14) |        \
    #define VAL_GPIOB_ODR               (PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_PIN0) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_PIN1) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_PIN2) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_SWO) |              \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_PIN4) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_PIN5) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_SCL) |              \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_PIN7) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_PIN8) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_SDA) |              \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_CLK_IN) |           \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_PIN11) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_PIN12) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_PIN13) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOB_PIN14) |            \
    #define VAL_GPIOB_AFRL              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_PIN0, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_PIN1, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_PIN2, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_SWO, 0) |            \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_PIN4, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_PIN5, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_SCL, 4) |            \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_PIN7, 0))
    #define VAL_GPIOB_AFRH              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_PIN8, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_SDA, 4) |            \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_CLK_IN, 0) |         \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_PIN11, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_PIN12, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_PIN13, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_PIN14, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOB_PIN15, 0))
     * GPIOC setup:
     * PC0  - OTG_FS_POWER_ON           (output pushpull maximum).
     * PC1  - PIN1                      (input pullup).
     * PC2  - PIN2                      (input pullup).
     * PC3  - PDM_OUT                   (input pullup).
     * PC4  - PIN4                      (input pullup).
     * PC5  - PIN5                      (input pullup).
     * PC6  - PIN6                      (input pullup).
     * PC7  - MCLK                      (alternate 6).
     * PC8  - PIN8                      (input pullup).
     * PC9  - PIN9                      (input pullup).
     * PC10 - SCLK                      (alternate 6).
     * PC11 - PIN11                     (input pullup).
     * PC12 - SDIN                      (alternate 6).
     * PC13 - PIN13                     (input pullup).
     * PC14 - PIN14                     (input pullup).
     * PC15 - PIN15                     (input pullup).
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOC_PIN1) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOC_PIN2) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOC_PDM_OUT) |        \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOC_PIN4) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOC_PIN5) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOC_PIN6) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOC_MCLK) |       \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOC_PIN8) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOC_PIN9) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOC_SCLK) |       \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOC_PIN11) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_ALTERNATE(GPIOC_SDIN) |       \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOC_PIN13) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOC_PIN14) |          \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_PIN1) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_PDM_OUT) |    \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_PIN4) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_PIN5) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_PIN6) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_MCLK) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_PIN9) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_SCLK) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_PIN11) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_SDIN) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_PIN13) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOC_PIN14) |      \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_PIN1) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_PIN2) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_PDM_OUT) |       \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_PIN4) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_PIN5) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_PIN6) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_MCLK) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_PIN8) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_PIN9) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_SCLK) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_PIN11) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_SDIN) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_PIN13) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOC_PIN14) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOC_PIN1) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOC_PIN2) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOC_PDM_OUT) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOC_PIN4) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOC_PIN5) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOC_PIN6) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOC_MCLK) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOC_PIN8) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOC_PIN9) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOC_SCLK) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOC_PIN11) |        \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOC_SDIN) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOC_PIN13) |        \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOC_PIN14) |        \
    #define VAL_GPIOC_ODR               (PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_OTG_FS_POWER_ON) |  \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_PIN1) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_PIN2) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_PDM_OUT) |          \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_PIN4) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_PIN5) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_PIN6) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_MCLK) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_PIN8) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_PIN9) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_SCLK) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_PIN11) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_SDIN) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_PIN13) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOC_PIN14) |            \
    #define VAL_GPIOC_AFRL              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_OTG_FS_POWER_ON, 0) |\
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_PIN1, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_PIN2, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_PDM_OUT, 0) |        \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_PIN4, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_PIN5, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_PIN6, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_MCLK, 6))
    #define VAL_GPIOC_AFRH              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_PIN8, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_PIN9, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_SCLK, 6) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_PIN11, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_SDIN, 6) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_PIN13, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_PIN14, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOC_PIN15, 0))
     * GPIOD setup:
     * PD0  - PIN0                      (input pullup).
     * PD1  - PIN1                      (input pullup).
     * PD2  - PIN2                      (input pullup).
     * PD3  - PIN3                      (input pullup).
     * PD4  - RESET                     (output pushpull maximum).
     * PD5  - OVER_CURRENT              (input floating).
     * PD6  - PIN6                      (input pullup).
     * PD7  - PIN7                      (input pullup).
     * PD8  - PIN8                      (input pullup).
     * PD9  - PIN9                      (input pullup).
     * PD10 - PIN10                     (input pullup).
     * PD11 - PIN11                     (input pullup).
     * PD12 - LED4                      (output pushpull maximum).
     * PD13 - LED3                      (output pushpull maximum).
     * PD14 - LED5                      (output pushpull maximum).
     * PD15 - LED6                      (output pushpull maximum).
    #define VAL_GPIOD_MODER             (PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOD_PIN0) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOD_PIN1) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOD_PIN2) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOD_PIN3) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_OUTPUT(GPIOD_RESET) |         \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOD_OVER_CURRENT) |   \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOD_PIN6) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOD_PIN7) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOD_PIN8) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOD_PIN9) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOD_PIN10) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOD_PIN11) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_OUTPUT(GPIOD_LED4) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_OUTPUT(GPIOD_LED3) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_OUTPUT(GPIOD_LED5) |          \
    #define VAL_GPIOD_OTYPER            (PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_PIN0) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_PIN1) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_PIN3) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_RESET) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_OVER_CURRENT) |\
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_PIN6) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_PIN7) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_PIN9) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_PIN10) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_PIN11) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_LED4) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_LED3) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOD_LED5) |       \
    #define VAL_GPIOD_OSPEEDR           (PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_PIN0) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_PIN1) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_PIN2) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_PIN3) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_RESET) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_OVER_CURRENT) |  \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_PIN6) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_PIN7) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_PIN8) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_PIN9) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_PIN10) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_PIN11) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_LED4) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_LED3) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOD_LED5) |          \
    #define VAL_GPIOD_PUPDR             (PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOD_PIN0) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOD_PIN1) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOD_PIN2) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOD_PIN3) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOD_RESET) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOD_OVER_CURRENT) |\
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOD_PIN6) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOD_PIN7) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOD_PIN8) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOD_PIN9) |         \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOD_PIN10) |        \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_PULLUP(GPIOD_PIN11) |        \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOD_LED4) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOD_LED3) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOD_LED5) |       \
    #define VAL_GPIOD_ODR               (PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOD_PIN0) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOD_PIN1) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOD_PIN2) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOD_PIN3) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOD_RESET) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOD_OVER_CURRENT) |     \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOD_PIN6) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOD_PIN7) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOD_PIN8) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOD_PIN9) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOD_PIN10) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOD_PIN11) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_LOW(GPIOD_LED4) |              \
                                         PIN_ODR_LOW(GPIOD_LED3) |              \
                                         PIN_ODR_LOW(GPIOD_LED5) |              \
    #define VAL_GPIOD_AFRL              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_PIN0, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_PIN1, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_PIN2, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_PIN3, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_RESET, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_OVER_CURRENT, 0) |   \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_PIN6, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_PIN7, 0))
    #define VAL_GPIOD_AFRH              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_PIN8, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_PIN9, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_PIN10, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_PIN11, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_LED4, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_LED3, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_LED5, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOD_LED6, 0))
     * GPIOE setup:
     * PE0  - INT1                      (input floating).
     * PE1  - INT2                      (input floating).
     * PE2  - PIN2                      (input floating).
     * PE3  - CS_SPI                    (output pushpull maximum).
     * PE4  - PIN4                      (input floating).
     * PE5  - PIN5                      (input floating).
     * PE6  - PIN6                      (input floating).
     * PE7  - PIN7                      (input floating).
     * PE8  - PIN8                      (input floating).
     * PE9  - PIN9                      (input floating).
     * PE10 - PIN10                     (input floating).
     * PE11 - PIN11                     (input floating).
     * PE12 - PIN12                     (input floating).
     * PE13 - PIN13                     (input floating).
     * PE14 - PIN14                     (input floating).
     * PE15 - PIN15                     (input floating).
    #define VAL_GPIOE_MODER             (PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_INT1) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_INT2) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_PIN2) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_OUTPUT(GPIOE_CS_SPI) |        \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_PIN4) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_PIN5) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_PIN6) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_PIN7) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_PIN8) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_PIN9) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_PIN10) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_PIN11) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_PIN12) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_PIN13) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOE_PIN14) |          \
    #define VAL_GPIOE_OTYPER            (PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_INT1) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_INT2) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_CS_SPI) |     \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_PIN4) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_PIN5) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_PIN6) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_PIN7) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_PIN9) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_PIN10) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_PIN11) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_PIN12) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_PIN13) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOE_PIN14) |      \
    #define VAL_GPIOE_OSPEEDR           (PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_INT1) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_INT2) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_PIN2) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_CS_SPI) |        \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_PIN4) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_PIN5) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_PIN6) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_PIN7) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_PIN8) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_PIN9) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_PIN10) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_PIN11) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_PIN12) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_PIN13) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOE_PIN14) |         \
    #define VAL_GPIOE_PUPDR             (PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_INT1) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_INT2) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_CS_SPI) |     \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_PIN4) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_PIN5) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_PIN6) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_PIN7) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_PIN9) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_PIN10) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_PIN11) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_PIN12) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_PIN13) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOE_PIN14) |      \
    #define VAL_GPIOE_ODR               (PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_INT1) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_INT2) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_PIN2) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_CS_SPI) |           \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_PIN4) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_PIN5) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_PIN6) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_PIN7) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_PIN8) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_PIN9) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_PIN10) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_PIN11) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_PIN12) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_PIN13) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOE_PIN14) |            \
    #define VAL_GPIOE_AFRL              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_INT1, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_INT2, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_PIN2, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_CS_SPI, 0) |         \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_PIN4, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_PIN5, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_PIN6, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_PIN7, 0))
    #define VAL_GPIOE_AFRH              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_PIN8, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_PIN9, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_PIN10, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_PIN11, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_PIN12, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_PIN13, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_PIN14, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOE_PIN15, 0))
     * GPIOF setup:
     * PF0  - PIN0                      (input floating).
     * PF1  - PIN1                      (input floating).
     * PF2  - PIN2                      (input floating).
     * PF3  - PIN3                      (input floating).
     * PF4  - PIN4                      (input floating).
     * PF5  - PIN5                      (input floating).
     * PF6  - PIN6                      (input floating).
     * PF7  - PIN7                      (input floating).
     * PF8  - PIN8                      (input floating).
     * PF9  - PIN9                      (input floating).
     * PF10 - PIN10                     (input floating).
     * PF11 - PIN11                     (input floating).
     * PF12 - PIN12                     (input floating).
     * PF13 - PIN13                     (input floating).
     * PF14 - PIN14                     (input floating).
     * PF15 - PIN15                     (input floating).
    #define VAL_GPIOF_MODER             (PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN0) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN1) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN2) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN3) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN4) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN5) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN6) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN7) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN8) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN9) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN10) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN11) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN12) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN13) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOF_PIN14) |          \
    #define VAL_GPIOF_OTYPER            (PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN0) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN1) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN3) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN4) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN5) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN6) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN7) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN9) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN10) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN11) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN12) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN13) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOF_PIN14) |      \
    #define VAL_GPIOF_OSPEEDR           (PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN0) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN1) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN2) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN3) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN4) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN5) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN6) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN7) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN8) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN9) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN10) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN11) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN12) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN13) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOF_PIN14) |         \
    #define VAL_GPIOF_PUPDR             (PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN0) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN1) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN3) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN4) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN5) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN6) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN7) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN9) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN10) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN11) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN12) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN13) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOF_PIN14) |      \
    #define VAL_GPIOF_ODR               (PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN0) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN1) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN2) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN3) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN4) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN5) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN6) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN7) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN8) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN9) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN10) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN11) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN12) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN13) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOF_PIN14) |            \
    #define VAL_GPIOF_AFRL              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN0, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN1, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN2, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN3, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN4, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN5, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN6, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN7, 0))
    #define VAL_GPIOF_AFRH              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN8, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN9, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN10, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN11, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN12, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN13, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN14, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOF_PIN15, 0))
     * GPIOG setup:
     * PG0  - PIN0                      (input floating).
     * PG1  - PIN1                      (input floating).
     * PG2  - PIN2                      (input floating).
     * PG3  - PIN3                      (input floating).
     * PG4  - PIN4                      (input floating).
     * PG5  - PIN5                      (input floating).
     * PG6  - PIN6                      (input floating).
     * PG7  - PIN7                      (input floating).
     * PG8  - PIN8                      (input floating).
     * PG9  - PIN9                      (input floating).
     * PG10 - PIN10                     (input floating).
     * PG11 - PIN11                     (input floating).
     * PG12 - PIN12                     (input floating).
     * PG13 - PIN13                     (input floating).
     * PG14 - PIN14                     (input floating).
     * PG15 - PIN15                     (input floating).
    #define VAL_GPIOG_MODER             (PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN0) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN1) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN2) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN3) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN4) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN5) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN6) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN7) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN8) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN9) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN10) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN11) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN12) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN13) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOG_PIN14) |          \
    #define VAL_GPIOG_OTYPER            (PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN0) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN1) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN3) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN4) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN5) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN6) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN7) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN9) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN10) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN11) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN12) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN13) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOG_PIN14) |      \
    #define VAL_GPIOG_OSPEEDR           (PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN0) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN1) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN2) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN3) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN4) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN5) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN6) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN7) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN8) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN9) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN10) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN11) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN12) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN13) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOG_PIN14) |         \
    #define VAL_GPIOG_PUPDR             (PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN0) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN1) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN3) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN4) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN5) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN6) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN7) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN9) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN10) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN11) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN12) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN13) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOG_PIN14) |      \
    #define VAL_GPIOG_ODR               (PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN0) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN1) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN2) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN3) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN4) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN5) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN6) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN7) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN8) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN9) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN10) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN11) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN12) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN13) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOG_PIN14) |            \
    #define VAL_GPIOG_AFRL              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN0, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN1, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN2, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN3, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN4, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN5, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN6, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN7, 0))
    #define VAL_GPIOG_AFRH              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN8, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN9, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN10, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN11, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN12, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN13, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN14, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOG_PIN15, 0))
     * GPIOH setup:
     * PH0  - OSC_IN                    (input floating).
     * PH1  - OSC_OUT                   (input floating).
     * PH2  - PIN2                      (input floating).
     * PH3  - PIN3                      (input floating).
     * PH4  - PIN4                      (input floating).
     * PH5  - PIN5                      (input floating).
     * PH6  - PIN6                      (input floating).
     * PH7  - PIN7                      (input floating).
     * PH8  - PIN8                      (input floating).
     * PH9  - PIN9                      (input floating).
     * PH10 - PIN10                     (input floating).
     * PH11 - PIN11                     (input floating).
     * PH12 - PIN12                     (input floating).
     * PH13 - PIN13                     (input floating).
     * PH14 - PIN14                     (input floating).
     * PH15 - PIN15                     (input floating).
    #define VAL_GPIOH_MODER             (PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_OSC_IN) |         \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_OSC_OUT) |        \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_PIN2) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_PIN3) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_PIN4) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_PIN5) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_PIN6) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_PIN7) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_PIN8) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_PIN9) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_PIN10) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_PIN11) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_PIN12) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_PIN13) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOH_PIN14) |          \
    #define VAL_GPIOH_OTYPER            (PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_OSC_IN) |     \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_OSC_OUT) |    \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_PIN3) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_PIN4) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_PIN5) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_PIN6) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_PIN7) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_PIN9) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_PIN10) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_PIN11) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_PIN12) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_PIN13) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOH_PIN14) |      \
    #define VAL_GPIOH_OSPEEDR           (PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_OSC_IN) |        \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_OSC_OUT) |       \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_PIN2) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_PIN3) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_PIN4) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_PIN5) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_PIN6) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_PIN7) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_PIN8) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_PIN9) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_PIN10) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_PIN11) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_PIN12) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_PIN13) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOH_PIN14) |         \
    #define VAL_GPIOH_PUPDR             (PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_OSC_IN) |     \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_OSC_OUT) |    \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_PIN3) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_PIN4) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_PIN5) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_PIN6) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_PIN7) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_PIN9) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_PIN10) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_PIN11) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_PIN12) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_PIN13) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOH_PIN14) |      \
    #define VAL_GPIOH_ODR               (PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_OSC_IN) |           \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_OSC_OUT) |          \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_PIN2) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_PIN3) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_PIN4) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_PIN5) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_PIN6) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_PIN7) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_PIN8) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_PIN9) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_PIN10) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_PIN11) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_PIN12) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_PIN13) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOH_PIN14) |            \
    #define VAL_GPIOH_AFRL              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_OSC_IN, 0) |         \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_OSC_OUT, 0) |        \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN2, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN3, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN4, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN5, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN6, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN7, 0))
    #define VAL_GPIOH_AFRH              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN8, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN9, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN10, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN11, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN12, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN13, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN14, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOH_PIN15, 0))
     * GPIOI setup:
     * PI0  - PIN0                      (input floating).
     * PI1  - PIN1                      (input floating).
     * PI2  - PIN2                      (input floating).
     * PI3  - PIN3                      (input floating).
     * PI4  - PIN4                      (input floating).
     * PI5  - PIN5                      (input floating).
     * PI6  - PIN6                      (input floating).
     * PI7  - PIN7                      (input floating).
     * PI8  - PIN8                      (input floating).
     * PI9  - PIN9                      (input floating).
     * PI10 - PIN10                     (input floating).
     * PI11 - PIN11                     (input floating).
     * PI12 - PIN12                     (input floating).
     * PI13 - PIN13                     (input floating).
     * PI14 - PIN14                     (input floating).
     * PI15 - PIN15                     (input floating).
    #define VAL_GPIOI_MODER             (PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN0) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN1) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN2) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN3) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN4) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN5) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN6) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN7) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN8) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN9) |           \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN10) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN11) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN12) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN13) |          \
                                         PIN_MODE_INPUT(GPIOI_PIN14) |          \
    #define VAL_GPIOI_OTYPER            (PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN0) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN1) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN3) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN4) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN5) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN6) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN7) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN9) |       \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN10) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN11) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN12) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN13) |      \
                                         PIN_OTYPE_PUSHPULL(GPIOI_PIN14) |      \
    #define VAL_GPIOI_OSPEEDR           (PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN0) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN1) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN2) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN3) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN4) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN5) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN6) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN7) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN8) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN9) |          \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN10) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN11) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN12) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN13) |         \
                                         PIN_OSPEED_100M(GPIOI_PIN14) |         \
    #define VAL_GPIOI_PUPDR             (PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN0) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN1) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN2) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN3) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN4) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN5) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN6) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN7) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN8) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN9) |       \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN10) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN11) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN12) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN13) |      \
                                         PIN_PUPDR_FLOATING(GPIOI_PIN14) |      \
    #define VAL_GPIOI_ODR               (PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN0) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN1) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN2) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN3) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN4) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN5) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN6) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN7) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN8) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN9) |             \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN10) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN11) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN12) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN13) |            \
                                         PIN_ODR_HIGH(GPIOI_PIN14) |            \
    #define VAL_GPIOI_AFRL              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN0, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN1, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN2, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN3, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN4, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN5, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN6, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN7, 0))
    #define VAL_GPIOI_AFRH              (PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN8, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN9, 0) |           \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN10, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN11, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN12, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN13, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN14, 0) |          \
                                         PIN_AFIO_AF(GPIOI_PIN15, 0))
    #if !defined(_FROM_ASM_)
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
      void boardInit(void);
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    #endif /* _FROM_ASM_ */
    #endif /* _BOARD_H_ */


  4. I compared the mcuconfig.h from chibios_2.x with the 3.x. I made a few changes in the mcuconfig.h from 3.x, like you se below. Do you ment that?

        ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Giovanni Di Sirio
        Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
        you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
        You may obtain a copy of the License at
        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
        distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
        WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
        See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
        limitations under the License.
     * STM32F4xx drivers configuration.
     * The following settings override the default settings present in
     * the various device driver implementation headers.
     * Note that the settings for each driver only have effect if the whole
     * driver is enabled in halconf.h.
     * IRQ priorities:
     * 15...0       Lowest...Highest.
     * DMA priorities:
     * 0...3        Lowest...Highest.
    #define STM32F4xx_MCUCONF
     * HAL driver system settings.
    #define STM32_NO_INIT                       FALSE
    #define STM32_HSI_ENABLED                   TRUE
    #define STM32_LSI_ENABLED                   TRUE
    #define STM32_HSE_ENABLED                   TRUE
    #define STM32_LSE_ENABLED                   FALSE
    #define STM32_CLOCK48_REQUIRED              TRUE
    #define STM32_SW                            STM32_SW_PLL
    #define STM32_PLLSRC                        STM32_PLLSRC_HSE
    #define STM32_PLLM_VALUE                    8
    #define STM32_PLLN_VALUE                    336
    #define STM32_PLLP_VALUE                    2
    #define STM32_PLLQ_VALUE                    7
    #define STM32_HPRE                          STM32_HPRE_DIV1
    #define STM32_PPRE1                         STM32_PPRE1_DIV4
    #define STM32_PPRE2                         STM32_PPRE2_DIV2
    #define STM32_RTCSEL                        STM32_RTCSEL_LSI
    #define STM32_RTCPRE_VALUE                  8
    #define STM32_MCO1SEL                       STM32_MCO1SEL_HSI
    #define STM32_MCO1PRE                       STM32_MCO1PRE_DIV1
    #define STM32_MCO2SEL                       STM32_MCO2SEL_SYSCLK
    #define STM32_MCO2PRE                       STM32_MCO2PRE_DIV5
    #define STM32_I2SSRC                        STM32_I2SSRC_CKIN
    #define STM32_PLLI2SN_VALUE                 192
    #define STM32_PLLI2SR_VALUE                 5
    #define STM32_PVD_ENABLE                    FALSE
    #define STM32_PLS                           STM32_PLS_LEV0
    #define STM32_BKPRAM_ENABLE                 FALSE
     * ADC driver system settings.
    #define STM32_ADC_ADCPRE                    ADC_CCR_ADCPRE_DIV4
    #define STM32_ADC_USE_ADC1                  TRUE
    #define STM32_ADC_USE_ADC2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ADC_USE_ADC3                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC1_DMA_STREAM           STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 4)
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC2_DMA_STREAM           STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 2)
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC3_DMA_STREAM           STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 1)
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC1_DMA_PRIORITY         2
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC2_DMA_PRIORITY         2
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC3_DMA_PRIORITY         2
    #define STM32_ADC_IRQ_PRIORITY              6
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC1_DMA_IRQ_PRIORITY     6
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC2_DMA_IRQ_PRIORITY     6
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC3_DMA_IRQ_PRIORITY     6
     * CAN driver system settings.
    #define STM32_CAN_USE_CAN1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_CAN_USE_CAN2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_CAN_CAN1_IRQ_PRIORITY         11
    #define STM32_CAN_CAN2_IRQ_PRIORITY         11
     * EXT driver system settings.
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI0_IRQ_PRIORITY        6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI1_IRQ_PRIORITY        6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI2_IRQ_PRIORITY        6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI3_IRQ_PRIORITY        6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI4_IRQ_PRIORITY        6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI5_9_IRQ_PRIORITY      6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI10_15_IRQ_PRIORITY    6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI16_IRQ_PRIORITY       6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI17_IRQ_PRIORITY       15
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI18_IRQ_PRIORITY       6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI19_IRQ_PRIORITY       6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI20_IRQ_PRIORITY       6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI21_IRQ_PRIORITY       15
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI22_IRQ_PRIORITY       15
     * GPT driver system settings.
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM3                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM4                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM5                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM6                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM7                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM8                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM9                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM11                 FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM12                 FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM14                 FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM1_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM2_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM3_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM4_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM5_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM6_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM7_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM8_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM9_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM11_IRQ_PRIORITY        7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM12_IRQ_PRIORITY        7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM14_IRQ_PRIORITY        7
     * I2C driver system settings.
    #define HAL_USE_I2C                         TRUE
    #define STM32_I2C_USE_I2C1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_I2C_USE_I2C2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_I2C_USE_I2C3                  TRUE
    #define STM32_I2C_BUSY_TIMEOUT              50
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C1_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 0)
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C1_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 6)
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C2_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 2)
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C2_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 7)
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C3_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 2)
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C3_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 4)
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C1_IRQ_PRIORITY         5
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C2_IRQ_PRIORITY         5
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C3_IRQ_PRIORITY         5
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C1_DMA_PRIORITY         3
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C2_DMA_PRIORITY         3
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C3_DMA_PRIORITY         3
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C1_DMA_ERROR_HOOK()     osalSysHalt("DMA failure")
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C2_DMA_ERROR_HOOK()     osalSysHalt("DMA failure")
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C3_DMA_ERROR_HOOK()     osalSysHalt("DMA failure")
    #define STM32_I2C_DMA_ERROR_HOOK(i2cp)      osalSysHalt("DMA failure")
     * ICU driver system settings.
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM3                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM4                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM5                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM8                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM9                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM1_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM2_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM3_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM4_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM5_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM8_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM9_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
     * MAC driver system settings.
    #define STM32_MAC_TRANSMIT_BUFFERS          2
    #define STM32_MAC_RECEIVE_BUFFERS           4
    #define STM32_MAC_BUFFERS_SIZE              1522
    #define STM32_MAC_PHY_TIMEOUT               100
    #define STM32_MAC_ETH1_IRQ_PRIORITY         13
    #define STM32_MAC_IP_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD       0
     * PWM driver system settings.
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_ADVANCED              FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM3                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM4                  TRUE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM5                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM8                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM9                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM1_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM2_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM3_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM4_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM5_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM8_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM9_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
     * SDC driver system settings.
    #define STM32_SDC_SDIO_DMA_PRIORITY         3
    #define STM32_SDC_SDIO_IRQ_PRIORITY         9
    #define STM32_SDC_WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS          250
    #define STM32_SDC_READ_TIMEOUT_MS           25
    #define STM32_SDC_SDIO_DMA_STREAM           STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 3)
     * SERIAL driver system settings.
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART1             FALSE
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART2             TRUE
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART3             FALSE
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_UART4              FALSE
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_UART5              FALSE
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART6             FALSE
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USART1_PRIORITY        12
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USART2_PRIORITY        12
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USART3_PRIORITY        12
    #define STM32_SERIAL_UART4_PRIORITY         12
    #define STM32_SERIAL_UART5_PRIORITY         12
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USART6_PRIORITY        12
     * SPI driver system settings.
    #define HAL_USE_SPI                         FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI3                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI4                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI5                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI6                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI1_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 0)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI1_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 3)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI2_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 3)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI2_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 4)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI3_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 0)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI3_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 7)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI4_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 0)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI4_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 1)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI5_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 3)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI5_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 4)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI6_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 6)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI6_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 5)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI1_DMA_PRIORITY         1
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI2_DMA_PRIORITY         1
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI3_DMA_PRIORITY         1
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI4_DMA_PRIORITY         1
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI5_DMA_PRIORITY         1
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI6_DMA_PRIORITY         1
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI1_IRQ_PRIORITY         10
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI2_IRQ_PRIORITY         10
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI3_IRQ_PRIORITY         10
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI4_IRQ_PRIORITY         10
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI5_IRQ_PRIORITY         10
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI6_IRQ_PRIORITY         10
    #define STM32_SPI_DMA_ERROR_HOOK(spip)      osalSysHalt("DMA failure")
     * ST driver system settings.
    #define STM32_ST_IRQ_PRIORITY               8
    #define STM32_ST_USE_TIMER                  2
     * UART driver system settings.
    #define STM32_UART_USE_USART1               FALSE
    #define STM32_UART_USE_USART2               FALSE
    #define STM32_UART_USE_USART3               FALSE
    #define STM32_UART_USE_UART4                FALSE
    #define STM32_UART_USE_UART5                FALSE
    #define STM32_UART_USE_USART6               FALSE
    #define STM32_UART_UART4_RX_DMA_STREAM      STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 2)
    #define STM32_UART_UART4_TX_DMA_STREAM      STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 4)
    #define STM32_UART_UART5_RX_DMA_STREAM      STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 0)
    #define STM32_UART_UART5_TX_DMA_STREAM      STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 7)
    #define STM32_UART_USART1_IRQ_PRIORITY      12
    #define STM32_UART_USART2_IRQ_PRIORITY      12
    #define STM32_UART_USART3_IRQ_PRIORITY      12
    #define STM32_UART_UART4_IRQ_PRIORITY       12
    #define STM32_UART_UART5_IRQ_PRIORITY       12
    #define STM32_UART_USART6_IRQ_PRIORITY      12
    #define STM32_UART_USART1_DMA_PRIORITY      0
    #define STM32_UART_USART2_DMA_PRIORITY      0
    #define STM32_UART_USART3_DMA_PRIORITY      0
    #define STM32_UART_UART4_DMA_PRIORITY       0
    #define STM32_UART_UART5_DMA_PRIORITY       0
    #define STM32_UART_USART6_DMA_PRIORITY      0
    #define STM32_UART_DMA_ERROR_HOOK(uartp)    osalSysHalt("DMA failure")
     * USB driver system settings.
    #define STM32_USB_USE_OTG1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_USB_USE_OTG2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_USB_OTG1_IRQ_PRIORITY         14
    #define STM32_USB_OTG2_IRQ_PRIORITY         14
    #define STM32_USB_OTG1_RX_FIFO_SIZE         512
    #define STM32_USB_OTG2_RX_FIFO_SIZE         1024
    #define STM32_USB_OTG_THREAD_PRIO           LOWPRIO
    #define STM32_USB_OTG_THREAD_STACK_SIZE     128
    #define STM32_USB_OTGFIFO_FILL_BASEPRI      0

    In inserted everything from the 2.x that wasn't declared in the 3.x

    Now I got another error regarding the USB.

    USB driver activated but no USB peripheral assigned

    In the mcuconfig.h (above) I have set "STM32_USB_USE_OTG" both on FALSE. So they are disabled. Regarding this I don't understand the USB error?

  5. Oh I forgot, here is the whole mcuconfig.h file:

        ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Giovanni Di Sirio
        Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
        you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
        You may obtain a copy of the License at
        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
        distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
        WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
        See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
        limitations under the License.
     * STM32F4xx drivers configuration.
     * The following settings override the default settings present in
     * the various device driver implementation headers.
     * Note that the settings for each driver only have effect if the whole
     * driver is enabled in halconf.h.
     * IRQ priorities:
     * 15...0       Lowest...Highest.
     * DMA priorities:
     * 0...3        Lowest...Highest.
    #define STM32F4xx_MCUCONF
     * HAL driver system settings.
    #define STM32_NO_INIT                       FALSE
    #define STM32_HSI_ENABLED                   TRUE
    #define STM32_LSI_ENABLED                   TRUE
    #define STM32_HSE_ENABLED                   TRUE
    #define STM32_LSE_ENABLED                   FALSE
    #define STM32_CLOCK48_REQUIRED              TRUE
    #define STM32_SW                            STM32_SW_PLL
    #define STM32_PLLSRC                        STM32_PLLSRC_HSE
    #define STM32_PLLM_VALUE                    8
    #define STM32_PLLN_VALUE                    336
    #define STM32_PLLP_VALUE                    2
    #define STM32_PLLQ_VALUE                    7
    #define STM32_HPRE                          STM32_HPRE_DIV1
    #define STM32_PPRE1                         STM32_PPRE1_DIV4
    #define STM32_PPRE2                         STM32_PPRE2_DIV2
    #define STM32_RTCSEL                        STM32_RTCSEL_LSI
    #define STM32_RTCPRE_VALUE                  8
    #define STM32_MCO1SEL                       STM32_MCO1SEL_HSI
    #define STM32_MCO1PRE                       STM32_MCO1PRE_DIV1
    #define STM32_MCO2SEL                       STM32_MCO2SEL_SYSCLK
    #define STM32_MCO2PRE                       STM32_MCO2PRE_DIV5
    #define STM32_I2SSRC                        STM32_I2SSRC_CKIN
    #define STM32_PLLI2SN_VALUE                 192
    #define STM32_PLLI2SR_VALUE                 5
    #define STM32_PVD_ENABLE                    FALSE
    #define STM32_PLS                           STM32_PLS_LEV0
    #define STM32_BKPRAM_ENABLE                 FALSE
     * ADC driver system settings.
    #define STM32_ADC_ADCPRE                    ADC_CCR_ADCPRE_DIV4
    #define STM32_ADC_USE_ADC1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ADC_USE_ADC2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ADC_USE_ADC3                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC1_DMA_STREAM           STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 4)
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC2_DMA_STREAM           STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 2)
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC3_DMA_STREAM           STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 1)
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC1_DMA_PRIORITY         2
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC2_DMA_PRIORITY         2
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC3_DMA_PRIORITY         2
    #define STM32_ADC_IRQ_PRIORITY              6
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC1_DMA_IRQ_PRIORITY     6
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC2_DMA_IRQ_PRIORITY     6
    #define STM32_ADC_ADC3_DMA_IRQ_PRIORITY     6
     * CAN driver system settings.
    #define STM32_CAN_USE_CAN1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_CAN_USE_CAN2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_CAN_CAN1_IRQ_PRIORITY         11
    #define STM32_CAN_CAN2_IRQ_PRIORITY         11
     * EXT driver system settings.
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI0_IRQ_PRIORITY        6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI1_IRQ_PRIORITY        6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI2_IRQ_PRIORITY        6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI3_IRQ_PRIORITY        6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI4_IRQ_PRIORITY        6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI5_9_IRQ_PRIORITY      6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI10_15_IRQ_PRIORITY    6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI16_IRQ_PRIORITY       6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI17_IRQ_PRIORITY       15
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI18_IRQ_PRIORITY       6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI19_IRQ_PRIORITY       6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI20_IRQ_PRIORITY       6
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI21_IRQ_PRIORITY       15
    #define STM32_EXT_EXTI22_IRQ_PRIORITY       15
     * GPT driver system settings.
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM3                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM4                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM5                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM6                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM7                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM8                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM9                  FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM11                 FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM12                 FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_USE_TIM14                 FALSE
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM1_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM2_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM3_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM4_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM5_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM6_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM7_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM8_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM9_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM11_IRQ_PRIORITY        7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM12_IRQ_PRIORITY        7
    #define STM32_GPT_TIM14_IRQ_PRIORITY        7
     * I2C driver system settings.
    #define HAL_USE_I2C							TRUE
    #define STM32_I2C_USE_I2C1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_I2C_USE_I2C2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_I2C_USE_I2C3                  TRUE
    #define STM32_I2C_BUSY_TIMEOUT              50
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C1_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 0)
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C1_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 6)
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C2_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 2)
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C2_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 7)
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C3_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 2)
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C3_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 4)
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C1_IRQ_PRIORITY         5
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C2_IRQ_PRIORITY         5
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C3_IRQ_PRIORITY         5
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C1_DMA_PRIORITY         3
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C2_DMA_PRIORITY         3
    #define STM32_I2C_I2C3_DMA_PRIORITY         3
    #define STM32_I2C_DMA_ERROR_HOOK(i2cp)      osalSysHalt("DMA failure")
     * ICU driver system settings.
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM3                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM4                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM5                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM8                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_USE_TIM9                  FALSE
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM1_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM2_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM3_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM4_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM5_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM8_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_ICU_TIM9_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
     * MAC driver system settings.
    #define STM32_MAC_TRANSMIT_BUFFERS          2
    #define STM32_MAC_RECEIVE_BUFFERS           4
    #define STM32_MAC_BUFFERS_SIZE              1522
    #define STM32_MAC_PHY_TIMEOUT               100
    #define STM32_MAC_ETH1_IRQ_PRIORITY         13
    #define STM32_MAC_IP_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD       0
     * PWM driver system settings.
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_ADVANCED              TRUE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM3                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM4                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM5                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM8                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM9                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM1_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM2_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM3_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM4_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM5_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM8_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM9_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
     * SDC driver system settings.
    #define STM32_SDC_SDIO_DMA_PRIORITY         3
    #define STM32_SDC_SDIO_IRQ_PRIORITY         9
    #define STM32_SDC_WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS          250
    #define STM32_SDC_READ_TIMEOUT_MS           25
    #define STM32_SDC_SDIO_DMA_STREAM           STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 3)
     * SERIAL driver system settings.
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART1             FALSE
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART2             FALSE
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART3             FALSE
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_UART4              FALSE
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_UART5              FALSE
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART6             FALSE
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USART1_PRIORITY        12
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USART2_PRIORITY        12
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USART3_PRIORITY        12
    #define STM32_SERIAL_UART4_PRIORITY         12
    #define STM32_SERIAL_UART5_PRIORITY         12
    #define STM32_SERIAL_USART6_PRIORITY        12
     * SPI driver system settings.
    #define HAL_USE_SPI							FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI3                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI4                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI5                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI6                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI1_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 0)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI1_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 3)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI2_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 3)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI2_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 4)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI3_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 0)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI3_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 7)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI4_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 0)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI4_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 1)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI5_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 3)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI5_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 4)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI6_RX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 6)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI6_TX_DMA_STREAM        STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(2, 5)
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI1_DMA_PRIORITY         1
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI2_DMA_PRIORITY         1
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI3_DMA_PRIORITY         1
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI4_DMA_PRIORITY         1
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI5_DMA_PRIORITY         1
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI6_DMA_PRIORITY         1
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI1_IRQ_PRIORITY         10
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI2_IRQ_PRIORITY         10
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI3_IRQ_PRIORITY         10
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI4_IRQ_PRIORITY         10
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI5_IRQ_PRIORITY         10
    #define STM32_SPI_SPI6_IRQ_PRIORITY         10
    #define STM32_SPI_DMA_ERROR_HOOK(spip)      osalSysHalt("DMA failure")
     * ST driver system settings.
    #define STM32_ST_IRQ_PRIORITY               8
    #define STM32_ST_USE_TIMER                  2
     * UART driver system settings.
    #define STM32_UART_USE_USART1               FALSE
    #define STM32_UART_USE_USART2               FALSE
    #define STM32_UART_USE_USART3               FALSE
    #define STM32_UART_USE_UART4                FALSE
    #define STM32_UART_USE_UART5                FALSE
    #define STM32_UART_USE_USART6               FALSE
    #define STM32_UART_UART4_RX_DMA_STREAM      STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 2)
    #define STM32_UART_UART4_TX_DMA_STREAM      STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 4)
    #define STM32_UART_UART5_RX_DMA_STREAM      STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 0)
    #define STM32_UART_UART5_TX_DMA_STREAM      STM32_DMA_STREAM_ID(1, 7)
    #define STM32_UART_USART1_IRQ_PRIORITY      12
    #define STM32_UART_USART2_IRQ_PRIORITY      12
    #define STM32_UART_USART3_IRQ_PRIORITY      12
    #define STM32_UART_UART4_IRQ_PRIORITY       12
    #define STM32_UART_UART5_IRQ_PRIORITY       12
    #define STM32_UART_USART6_IRQ_PRIORITY      12
    #define STM32_UART_USART1_DMA_PRIORITY      0
    #define STM32_UART_USART2_DMA_PRIORITY      0
    #define STM32_UART_USART3_DMA_PRIORITY      0
    #define STM32_UART_UART4_DMA_PRIORITY       0
    #define STM32_UART_UART5_DMA_PRIORITY       0
    #define STM32_UART_USART6_DMA_PRIORITY      0
    #define STM32_UART_DMA_ERROR_HOOK(uartp)    osalSysHalt("DMA failure")
     * USB driver system settings.
    #define STM32_USB_USE_OTG1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_USB_USE_OTG2                  TRUE
    #define STM32_USB_OTG1_IRQ_PRIORITY         14
    #define STM32_USB_OTG2_IRQ_PRIORITY         14
    #define STM32_USB_OTG1_RX_FIFO_SIZE         512
    #define STM32_USB_OTG2_RX_FIFO_SIZE         1024
    #define STM32_USB_OTG_THREAD_PRIO           LOWPRIO
    #define STM32_USB_OTG_THREAD_STACK_SIZE     128
    #define STM32_USB_OTGFIFO_FILL_BASEPRI      0


  6. Thanks for the quick answer.

    I couldn't found "PWMD4" in the mcuconfig.h file. But I found this

     * PWM driver system settings.
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_ADVANCED              TRUE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM3                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM4                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM5                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM8                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_USE_TIM9                  FALSE
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM1_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM2_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM3_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM4_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM5_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM8_IRQ_PRIORITY         7
    #define STM32_PWM_TIM9_IRQ_PRIORITY         7

    I changed "#define STM32_PWM_USE_ADVANCED              FALSE"  to "#define STM32_PWM_USE_ADVANCED              TRUE", like you see above. But I still get these errors from before?
    Do I have to enable some of the timers too? Or is there anything else I have to change?

  7. Ok. I began a complete new Project and followed the ugfx tutorial for ChibiStudio, just that I did everything with ChibiOS Version 3. But I ran into a few problems. 
    The first one was the error:

    error: #error "SPI5 not present in the selected device"

    I first thought that it has something to do with the device. I use a Embest Base Board with an STM32F407VG Microcontroller. When I followed the Tutorial I included the files "/ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/example_chibios_3.x". But the included Makefile had as option "CHIBIOS_LDSCRIPT        = STM32F429xI.ld". So I thought that I have to change that into "CHIBIOS_LDSCRIPT        = STM32F407xG.ld" is that right?
    But the error was still there. 
    After changing the mcuconf.h


    #define HAL_USE_SPI							TRUE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI3                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI4                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI5                  TRUE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI6                  FALSE

    to (everything FALSE)

    #define HAL_USE_SPI							FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI1                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI2                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI3                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI4                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI5                  FALSE
    #define STM32_SPI_USE_SPI6                  FALSE

    The Error didn't appear anymore! But I don't know, if thats right?

    When I compile again (with every SPI Option = FALSE) some other Errors appeared regardin the  "board_SSD2119 file". Here is the Output.

    20:04:27 **** Incremental Build of configuration Default for project PowerSupplyChibiOs3 ****
    make -j4 all 
    C Compiler Options....
    Compiling board.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfx.c
    arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -ggdb -O0 -mcpu=cortex-m4 -falign-functions=16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -fsingle-precision-constant -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -Wextra -Wstrict-prototypes -fverbose-asm -MMD -MP -MF .build/dep/fakethumbfile.o.d -I. -I../../ugfx -I../../ugfx/3rdparty/tinygl-0.4-ugfx/include -I../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB -I../../ugfx/drivers/gdisp/SSD2119 -I../../ugfx/demos/modules/gdisp/basics -I../../chibios30/os/common/ports/ARMCMx/devices/STM32F4xx -I../../chibios30/os/ext/CMSIS/include -I../../chibios30/os/ext/CMSIS/ST -I../../chibios30/os/rt/include -I../../chibios30/os/rt/ports/ARMCMx -I../../chibios30/os/rt/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC -I../../chibios30/os/hal/osal/rt -I../../chibios30/os/hal/include -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/common/ARMCMx -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/STM32F4xx -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/DACv1 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/GPIOv2 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/I2Cv1 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/OTGv1 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/RTCv2 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/SPIv1 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/TIMv1 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/USARTv1 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/FSMCv1 -DGFX_USE_CHIBIOS=TRUE -DGFX_USE_OS_CHIBIOS=TRUE -DCORTEX_USE_FPU=TRUE -DUSE_FPU=hard -DTHUMB_PRESENT -DTHUMB_NO_INTERWORKING -mthumb -DTHUMB fakethumbfile.c -o .build/obj/fakethumbfile.o
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gos/gos_chibios.c
    Assembler Options.....
    In file included from ../../ugfx/src/../gfx.h:185:0,
                     from ../../ugfx/src/gfx.c:16:
    ../../ugfx/src/../src/gdisp/gdisp_rules.h:65:6: warning: #warning "GDISP: GDISP_NEED_ANTIALIAS has been set but your hardware does not support reading back pixels. Anti-aliasing will only occur for filled characters." [-Wcpp]
         #warning "GDISP: GDISP_NEED_ANTIALIAS has been set but your hardware does not support reading back pixels. Anti-aliasing will only occur for filled characters."
    In file included from ../../ugfx/src/../gfx.h:189:0,
                     from ../../ugfx/src/gfx.c:16:
    ../../ugfx/src/../src/gtimer/gtimer_rules.h:22:5: warning: #warning "GTIMER: GDISP_NEED_MULTITHREAD has not been specified." [-Wcpp]
        #warning "GTIMER: GDISP_NEED_MULTITHREAD has not been specified."
    ../../ugfx/src/../src/gtimer/gtimer_rules.h:23:5: warning: #warning "GTIMER: Make sure you are not performing any GDISP/GWIN drawing operations in the timer callback!" [-Wcpp]
        #warning "GTIMER: Make sure you are not performing any GDISP/GWIN drawing operations in the timer callback!"
    arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -ggdb -O0 -mcpu=cortex-m4 -falign-functions=16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -fsingle-precision-constant -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -Wextra -Wstrict-prototypes -fverbose-asm -MMD -MP -MF .build/dep/fakethumbfile.o.d -I. -I../../ugfx -I../../ugfx/3rdparty/tinygl-0.4-ugfx/include -I../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB -I../../ugfx/drivers/gdisp/SSD2119 -I../../ugfx/demos/modules/gdisp/basics -I../../chibios30/os/common/ports/ARMCMx/devices/STM32F4xx -I../../chibios30/os/ext/CMSIS/include -I../../chibios30/os/ext/CMSIS/ST -I../../chibios30/os/rt/include -I../../chibios30/os/rt/ports/ARMCMx -I../../chibios30/os/rt/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC -I../../chibios30/os/hal/osal/rt -I../../chibios30/os/hal/include -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/common/ARMCMx -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/STM32F4xx -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/DACv1 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/GPIOv2 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/I2Cv1 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/OTGv1 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/RTCv2 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/SPIv1 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/TIMv1 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/USARTv1 -I../../chibios30/os/hal/ports/STM32/LLD/FSMCv1 -DGFX_USE_CHIBIOS=TRUE -DGFX_USE_OS_CHIBIOS=TRUE -DCORTEX_USE_FPU=TRUE -DUSE_FPU=hard -DTHUMB_PRESENT -DTHUMB_NO_INTERWORKING -mthumb -DTHUMB fakethumbfile.s -o .build/obj/fakethumbfile.o
    Linker Options........
    arm-none-eabi-gcc -Wl,--defsym=__process_stack_size__=0x400 -Wl,--defsym=__main_stack_size__=0x400 -mcpu=cortex-m4 -falign-functions=16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -fsingle-precision-constant -nostartfiles -mthumb -T../../chibios30/os/common/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/ld/STM32F407xG.ld -L../../chibios30/os/common/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC -lm .build/obj/fakethumbfile.o -o .build/PowerSupplyChibiOs3.elf
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gos/gos_freertos.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gos/gos_win32.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gos/gos_linux.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gos/gos_osx.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gos/gos_raw32.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gos/gos_ecos.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gos/gos_rawrtos.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gos/gos_arduino.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gos/gos_cmsis.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gos/gos_nios.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gos/gos_x_threads.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gos/gos_x_heap.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdriver/gdriver.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gqueue/gqueue.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/gdisp.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/gdisp_fonts.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/gdisp_pixmap.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/gdisp_image.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/gdisp_image_native.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/gdisp_image_gif.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/gdisp_image_bmp.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/gdisp_image_jpg.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/gdisp_image_png.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/mcufont/mf_encoding.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/mcufont/mf_font.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/mcufont/mf_justify.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/mcufont/mf_kerning.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/mcufont/mf_rlefont.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/mcufont/mf_bwfont.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/mcufont/mf_scaledfont.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gdisp/mcufont/mf_wordwrap.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gevent/gevent.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gtimer/gtimer.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_widget.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_wm.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_console.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_graph.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_button.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_slider.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_checkbox.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_image.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_label.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_radio.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_list.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_progressbar.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_container.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_frame.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_tabset.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_gl3d.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_keyboard.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_keyboard_layout.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gwin/gwin_textedit.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/ginput/ginput.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/ginput/ginput_mouse.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/ginput/ginput_keyboard.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/ginput/ginput_keyboard_microcode.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/ginput/ginput_toggle.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/ginput/ginput_dial.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gadc/gadc.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gaudio/gaudio.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gmisc/gmisc.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gmisc/gmisc_arrayops.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gmisc/gmisc_matrix2d.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gmisc/gmisc_trig.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gmisc/gmisc_hittest.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_fs_native.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_fs_ram.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_fs_rom.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_fs_fatfs.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_fs_petitfs.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_fs_mem.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_fs_chibios.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_fs_strings.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_printg.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_scang.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_stdio.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_fatfs_wrapper.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_fatfs_diskio_chibios.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_petitfs_wrapper.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gfile/gfile_petitfs_diskio_chibios.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/src/gtrans/gtrans.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/drivers/gdisp/SSD2119/gdisp_lld_SSD2119.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/drivers/ginput/touch/STMPE811/gmouse_lld_STMPE811.c
    Compiling ../../ugfx/demos/modules/gdisp/basics/main.c
    Compiling ../../chibios30/os/common/ports/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/vectors.c
    In file included from ../../ugfx/drivers/gdisp/SSD2119/gdisp_lld_SSD2119.c:16:0:
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:31:14: error: unknown type name 'PWMConfig'
     static const PWMConfig pwmcfg = {
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:33:2: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
      100,   /* PWM period is 100 cycles. */
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:33:2: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:34:2: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:34:2: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:35:2: warning: braces around scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:35:2: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:36:3: warning: braces around scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:36:3: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:36:4: error: 'PWM_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_HIGH' undeclared here (not in a function)
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:36:3: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:36:3: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:37:3: warning: braces around scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:37:3: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:37:3: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:37:3: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:37:3: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:37:3: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:38:3: warning: braces around scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:38:3: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:38:3: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:38:3: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:38:3: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:38:3: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:39:3: warning: braces around scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:39:3: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:39:3: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:39:3: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:39:3: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:39:3: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:40:2: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:40:2: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:41:2: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:41:2: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:43:1: warning: excess elements in scalar initializer
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:43:1: warning: (near initialization for 'pwmcfg')
    In file included from ../../ugfx/drivers/gdisp/SSD2119/gdisp_lld_SSD2119.c:16:0:
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h: In function 'init_board':
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:78:1: warning: multi-line comment [-Wcomment]
     //  FSMC_Bank1->BTCR[0 + 1] = (FSMC_BTR1_ADDSET_2 | FSMC_BTR1_ADDSET_1) \
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:91:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'pwmStart' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
       pwmStart(&PWMD4, &pwmcfg);
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:91:13: error: 'PWMD4' undeclared (first use in this function)
       pwmStart(&PWMD4, &pwmcfg);
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:91:13: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:93:3: warning: implicit declaration of function 'pwmEnableChannel' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
       pwmEnableChannel(&PWMD4, 1, 100);
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h: In function 'set_backlight':
    ../../ugfx/boards/base/Embest-STM32-DMSTF4BB/board_SSD2119.h:113:20: error: 'PWMD4' undeclared (first use in this function)
      pwmEnableChannel(&PWMD4, 1, percent);
    make: *** [.build/obj/GFXLIB/drivers/gdisp/SSD2119/gdisp_lld_SSD2119.o] Error 1
    make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

    Can someone help me with this Problems.

  8. Thanks,

    I asked in the ChibiOS Forum. They told me that the ChibiOS repository that i used (it is the one from the ugfx tutorial for Chibistudio) is very old and so the .ld file is. 
    I downloaded the newest version but now I have problems with including it to the ugfx makefile, because the file structure is very different from the release from the tutorial.
    Had someone ever problems with it? How can i integrate the new ChibiOS release into the ugfx Project?

    They couldn't help me with this issue in the ChibiOS Forum.

    I added the newest release below.



  9. Looks the ChibiOS linker file like that?

        ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Giovanni Di Sirio
        Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
        you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
        You may obtain a copy of the License at
        Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
        distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
        WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
        See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
        limitations under the License.
     * ST32F407xG memory setup.
    __main_stack_size__     = 0x0400;
    __process_stack_size__  = 0x0400;
        flash : org = 0x08000000, len = 1M
        ram : org = 0x20000000, len = 112k
        ethram : org = 0x2001C000, len = 16k
        ccmram : org = 0x10000000, len = 64k
    __ram_start__           = ORIGIN(ram);
    __ram_size__            = LENGTH(ram);
    __ram_end__             = __ram_start__ + __ram_size__;
        . = 0;
        _text = .;
        startup : ALIGN(16) SUBALIGN(16)
        } > flash
        constructors : ALIGN(4) SUBALIGN(4)
            PROVIDE(__init_array_start = .);
            PROVIDE(__init_array_end = .);
        } > flash
        destructors : ALIGN(4) SUBALIGN(4)
            PROVIDE(__fini_array_start = .);
            PROVIDE(__fini_array_end = .);
        } > flash
        .text : ALIGN(16) SUBALIGN(16)
        } > flash
        .ARM.extab :
            *(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*)
        } > flash
        .ARM.exidx : {
            PROVIDE(__exidx_start = .);
            *(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*)
            PROVIDE(__exidx_end = .);
         } > flash
        .eh_frame_hdr :
        } > flash
        .eh_frame : ONLY_IF_RO
        } > flash
        .textalign : ONLY_IF_RO
            . = ALIGN(8);
        } > flash
        . = ALIGN(4);
        _etext = .;
        _textdata = _etext;
        .stacks :
            . = ALIGN(8);
            __main_stack_base__ = .;
            . += __main_stack_size__;
            . = ALIGN(8);
            __main_stack_end__ = .;
            __process_stack_base__ = .;
            __main_thread_stack_base__ = .;
            . += __process_stack_size__;
            . = ALIGN(8);
            __process_stack_end__ = .;
            __main_thread_stack_end__ = .;
        } > ram
        .data ALIGN(4) : ALIGN(4)
            . = ALIGN(4);
            PROVIDE(_data = .);
            . = ALIGN(4);
            PROVIDE(_edata = .);
        } > ram AT > flash
        .bss ALIGN(4) : ALIGN(4)
            . = ALIGN(4);
            PROVIDE(_bss_start = .);
            . = ALIGN(4);
            PROVIDE(_bss_end = .);
        } > ram    
    PROVIDE(end = .);
    _end            = .;
    __heap_base__   = _end;
    __heap_end__    = __ram_end__;

    Where do I have to set the interrupt stack?

  10. Hey xD

    I have got a Problem I started a Project:

    Hardware: STM32F407VG with Embest Base Board (Controller: SSD2119 and STMPE811)

    OS: ChibiOS 2.0

    The first step was that i tried to implement an image and text. That worked fine.
    After that i tried to implement a button. So I used parts of the demo /gwin/button. It compiles without any error. But the screen still is empty when i load it to the STM Board. I debugged it step by step and I saw that it alwas stops after execution one line. I enabled some debug options in chconf.h and then the Debugger always stops at the end of following if-statement:

    #if CH_DBG_ENABLE_TRACE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
     * @brief   Public trace buffer.
    ch_trace_buffer_t dbg_trace_buffer;
     * @brief   Trace circular buffer subsystem initialization.
     * @note    Internal use only.
    void _trace_init(void) {
      dbg_trace_buffer.tb_size = CH_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE;
      dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr = &dbg_trace_buffer.tb_buffer[0];
     * @brief   Inserts in the circular debug trace buffer a context switch record.
     * @param[in] otp       the thread being switched out
     * @notapi
    void dbg_trace(Thread *otp) {
      dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr->se_time   = chTimeNow();
      dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr->se_tp     = currp;
      dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr->se_wtobjp = otp->p_u.wtobjp;
      dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr->se_state  = (uint8_t)otp->p_state;
      if (++dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr >=
        dbg_trace_buffer.tb_ptr = &dbg_trace_buffer.tb_buffer[0];
    #endif /* CH_DBG_ENABLE_TRACE */

    So i read in the documentation that it should have something to do with a stack size problem. 
    I tried to increase the main stack size and process stack size from 0x0400 to 0x0F00, but this didn't solve my problem
    How can I find out which stack or thread has an overflow?

    Thank you in advance.

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