Hello @Joel Bodenmann,
True Studio is an eclipse based IDE. So I followed your eclipse tutorial. Let me explain what I did from the beginning.
1) STM32CubeMX - open project for STM32F429I Discovery board
2) STM32CubeMX - Generate Code for Atollic True Studio
3) Extract ugfx_2.7 into a folder
4) True Studio - Import uGFX folder File System project/ugfx
5) "Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Includes" Add project/ugfx (Languages GNU C)
6) "Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Includes" Add project/ugfx (Languages S,s,asm)
7) "Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Source Location" Add Folder project/ugfx
8) Edit Filter exclude all except gfx_mk.c
9) gfxconf.example.h is copied into project/inc renamed as gfxconf.h and GFX_USE_OS_RAW32 is set to TRUE
10) Copy gfxSystemTicks(void) gfxMillisecondsToTicks(delaytime_t ms) Raw32OSInit(void) function into main.c
11) add #include "gfx.h" to main.c add gfxInit(); to main.c
Finally, I build the project successfully. But, I need to add display driver. As I see, I need "board_STM32LTDC.h" . Besides, You also have demo projects that run on the board I used. So, I could not find the file "board_STM32LTDC.h" that you used in demo projects. I need your help while including display drivers.