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Everything posted by HWG

  1. Thank you very much for the example Joel. It works for the simple implement. But I am looking for some universal or common solution for that. Because sometimes we want to just display some part of one window. The window can not only contains image, but also other widgets. After investigate the uGFX code a while, I think I manage it for the universal solution. but I modified 2 file in uGFX lib. it's src/gwin/gwin_widget.c and src/gwin/gwim_wm.c The modified files is in attachment. The modification in gwin_wm.c happens in function WM_Size and WM_Move it makes no clip for Move and Resize movement, in order to make it available to place the widget beyond the scope of its parents. The modification in gwin_widget.c happens in void _gwidgetRedraw(GHandle gh) it makes the clipper will also happened for the area of widget's ancients, so the widget will not be drawn out of the scope of its ancients, and still can be place out of the scope of it's ancients. Do you think that can be a new feature to add in uGFX? I think it's useful for some implementation. And only less than 50 lines change. gwin_widget.c gwin_wm.c
  2. I think that's the guider, https://wiki.ugfx.io/index.php/Creating_a_widget I am checking it
  3. If it's possible, it would be very appreciate for you to write a quick example for this. I am think it's good to write a customized Container widget with that feature. Then that customized container can display other normal widget in the same way. I am also trying to write a example for that. I am looking for the HOWTO write a customized widget now
  4. the idea is something like that image
  5. Hello all, As the name of the topic, I am trying to place a widget beyond the scope of it's parent Let's assume we create one Container Widget w_con on display, with size Width 20, Height 10 and then create TWO Image Widget, w_img_a and w_img_b as the children of the w_con, with size Width 20, Height 10, w_img_a with the position (-10, 0), w_img_b with the position (10, 0) By that way, I want to display only right half of the w_img_a and left half of the w_img_b. But because of the Windows Manager, w_img_a and w_img_b will always be changed on position (0, 0) no matter in the gfxconf.h, I place GWIN_NEED_WINDOWMANAGER or not. So does anyone know how I can manage to do it? Do I really need to write my own WindowsManager to make it?
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