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Posts posted by lsoria

  1. Hi @Sinalco94,

    Once in a while I've tried to run the ugfx demos on the same board as you. I've had experienced some problems to run them, but luckily I was able to sort them. The last one you've mentioned (the white screen) seems familiar to me. Have you tried debugging the program? In my case, when I had white screens the program was stucked on a Hard Fault handler. The reason was that the linker script assigned few stack and process memory to the processor. Try to go to the STM32F407xG.ld (or similar, it depends on the processor - the path is C:\ChibiStudio\chibios26\os\ports\GCC\ARMCMx\STM32F4xx\ld in my case) and modify

    __main_stack_size__     = 0x0200;
    __process_stack_size__  = 0x0200;


    __main_stack_size__     = 0x0800;
    __process_stack_size__  = 0x0800;

    Please notify me if that works for you.


    Best wishes,


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