Getting back to you for some news.
I finally found some time last week to work a bit on this project.
After spending time to learn how to work with a graphic LCD screen, I dug into uGFX to also learn about graphic library ;).
Well after some basic struggle with my SPI config and screen, I have been succesfuly able to display BMP / PNG / GIF images with the CC3200 using CCSv6 as IDE, so I can confirm that uGFX is working well with this IDE (gfx_mk.c method) and armcc compiler .
As I'm reading images form SD card and then using SPI for the screen, I'm a bit disappointed with the refresh speed. I guess that would be better with parallel port but sadly I'm too short in available pins.
At this time I'm not sure if I'll work with BMP or PNG, if fact PNG works but a bit slower that BMP and i'm not sure I'll be able to afford the 32ko of memory needed when I'll stitch all my application together, as the CC3200 uses the 256ko of memory for code and data.
So all in all, maybe I'll stick with BMP and work with the pallette to change background color as you suggested, instead of using transparency.
Talking about GFILE:
I use GFILE so it's easy to open and display an image, but I also need to read text file as a database, sadly I would really need f_gets ;).
I saw that it's not impleted yet, any news about that ? or I guess I can work my own f_gets implementation using gfileread()...
Or could you also simply open an image using another Fat_fs library (without GFILE), like "fs_open(myImage)", and use the opened file with gdispImageDraw() ?
Anyway, great work with uGFX :).