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Thank you for the tips! PS. Sorry, display orientation works. =) It was my mistake.
2. I downloaded ugfx from this page: https://bitbucket.org/Tectu/ugfx/downloads, hope that it is correct loacion. Function gdispSetOrientation() doesn't change orientation, but I didn't spend any significant time to sort out, why. 1,3. I haven't seen this article, but seems that configuration was made in the same way. Now I included the project in this message, it was configured as described below: — Initial project for CPU STM32F746NGHx was generated using CubeMX 4.11.0 (Firmware package V1.2.0). All settings are default, maybe except of clocks configuration. — In the project folder inserted ugfx folder, downloaded from https://bitbucket.org/Tectu/ugfx/downloads — In project tree were included files: ugfx_mk.c, gdisp_lld_STM32LTDC.c, stm32f746_discovery_sdram.c, stm32f7_i2c.c, gmouse_lld_FT5336.c, stm32f746_raw32_ugfx.c — Added some include paths: ../ugfx; ..\ugfx\boards\base\STM32F746-Discovery; ..\ugfx\src\gdisp\mcufont; ..\ugfx\drivers\gdisp\STM32LTDC; — Added file "o/gos_x_threads.o", and made setting for linker to use it. String with gos_x_thread.c commented in gos_mk.c. — Also GUI folder contains Ugfx Studio GUI project, gui.c included in project tree. — gfxconf.h is in the "ugfx_pr" folder and contains "#include stm32f7xx_hal.h" Changing ugfx version can be performed by replacing "ugfx" folder (and commenting gos_x_thread.c string in gos_mk.c) Keil v5.17, project compiles and works without any problems. uC_uGFX_F7.zip
Ok, I am still unable to understand why do I need to include stm hal header and why armcc 5.17 doesn't compile gos_x_threads.c, but I have made some workaround to be able to make some uGFX presentation using Keil. — Header was included to gfxconf.h, so I have no need in manual editing of library files — gos_x_threads.c was compiled by arm-none-eabi 4.9q3 and linked to Keil project (source was excluded from Keil project).(you have to add "--wchar32" to Keil compile string, so armcc object files became compatible with arm-none-eabi object file) There is only one "bug" now - screen orientation function doesn't work in my project for F7 cpu. PS It seems to me, that necessity of header inclusion and armcc _asm "not compilation" doesn't attached to each other
Yes, updated ugfx generates the same compiler error in my project. gfxconf.h: /** * This file has a different license to the rest of the uGFX system. * You can copy, modify and distribute this file as you see fit. * You do not need to publish your source modifications to this file. * The only thing you are not permitted to do is to relicense it * under a different license. */ /** * Copy this file into your project directory and rename it as gfxconf.h * Edit your copy to turn on the uGFX features you want to use. * The values below are the defaults. * * Only remove the comments from lines where you want to change the * default value. This allows definitions to be included from * driver makefiles when required and provides the best future * compatibility for your project. * * Please use spaces instead of tabs in this file. */ #ifndef _GFXCONF_H #define _GFXCONF_H /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GOS - One of these must be defined, preferably in your Makefile // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#define GFX_USE_OS_CHIBIOS FALSE //#define GFX_USE_OS_FREERTOS FALSE // #define GFX_FREERTOS_USE_TRACE FALSE //#define GFX_USE_OS_WIN32 FALSE //#define GFX_USE_OS_LINUX FALSE //#define GFX_USE_OS_OSX FALSE //#define GFX_USE_OS_ECOS FALSE //#define GFX_USE_OS_RAWRTOS FALSE //#define GFX_USE_OS_ARDUINO FALSE //#define GFX_USE_OS_KEIL FALSE //#define GFX_USE_OS_CMSIS FALSE #define GFX_USE_OS_RAW32 TRUE // #define INTERRUPTS_OFF() optional_code // #define INTERRUPTS_ON() optional_code // Options that (should where relevant) apply to all operating systems // #define GFX_NO_INLINE FALSE #define GFX_COMPILER GFX_COMPILER_KEIL //#define CORTEX_USE_FPU TRUE // #define GFX_CPU GFX_CPU_CORTEX_M7_FP // #define GFX_CPU_NO_ALIGNMENT_FAULTS FALSE // #define GFX_CPU_ENDIAN GFX_CPU_ENDIAN_UNKNOWN // #define GFX_OS_HEAP_SIZE 8000 // #define GFX_OS_NO_INIT TRUE // #define GFX_OS_INIT_NO_WARNING TRUE // #define GFX_OS_PRE_INIT_FUNCTION myHardwareInitRoutine // #define GFX_OS_EXTRA_INIT_FUNCTION myOSInitRoutine // #define GFX_OS_EXTRA_DEINIT_FUNCTION myOSDeInitRoutine /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GDISP // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define GFX_USE_GDISP TRUE //#define GDISP_NEED_AUTOFLUSH FALSE //#define GDISP_NEED_TIMERFLUSH FALSE #define GDISP_NEED_VALIDATION TRUE #define GDISP_NEED_CLIP TRUE #define GDISP_NEED_CIRCLE TRUE //#define GDISP_NEED_ELLIPSE FALSE //#define GDISP_NEED_ARC FALSE //#define GDISP_NEED_ARCSECTORS FALSE //#define GDISP_NEED_CONVEX_POLYGON FALSE //#define GDISP_NEED_SCROLL FALSE //#define GDISP_NEED_PIXELREAD FALSE #define GDISP_NEED_CONTROL TRUE //#define GDISP_NEED_QUERY FALSE #define GDISP_NEED_MULTITHREAD TRUE //#define GDISP_NEED_STREAMING FALSE #define GDISP_NEED_TEXT TRUE // #define GDISP_NEED_TEXT_WORDWRAP FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_ANTIALIAS FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_UTF8 FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_TEXT_KERNING FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_UI1 FALSE #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_UI2 TRUE // The smallest preferred font. // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_LARGENUMBERS FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_DEJAVUSANS10 FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_DEJAVUSANS12 FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_DEJAVUSANS16 FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_DEJAVUSANS20 FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_DEJAVUSANS24 FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_DEJAVUSANS32 FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_DEJAVUSANSBOLD12 FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_FIXED_10X20 FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_FIXED_7X14 FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_FIXED_5X8 FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_DEJAVUSANS12_AA FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_DEJAVUSANS16_AA FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_DEJAVUSANS20_AA FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_DEJAVUSANS24_AA FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_DEJAVUSANS32_AA FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_FONT_DEJAVUSANSBOLD12_AA FALSE // #define GDISP_INCLUDE_USER_FONTS FALSE //#define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_NATIVE FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_GIF FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_1 FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4 FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_4_RLE FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8 FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_8_RLE FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_16 FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_24 FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_BMP_32 FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_JPG FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_PNG FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_IMAGE_ACCOUNTING FALSE //#define GDISP_NEED_PIXMAP FALSE // #define GDISP_NEED_PIXMAP_IMAGE FALSE //#define GDISP_DEFAULT_ORIENTATION GDISP_ROTATE_LANDSCAPE // If not defined the native hardware orientation is used. //#define GDISP_LINEBUF_SIZE 128 //#define GDISP_STARTUP_COLOR Black //#define GDISP_NEED_STARTUP_LOGO TRUE //#define GDISP_TOTAL_DISPLAYS 1 //#define GDISP_DRIVER_LIST GDISPVMT_Win32, GDISPVMT_Win32 // #ifdef GDISP_DRIVER_LIST // // For code and speed optimization define as TRUE or FALSE if all controllers have the same capability // #define GDISP_HARDWARE_STREAM_WRITE FALSE // #define GDISP_HARDWARE_STREAM_READ FALSE // #define GDISP_HARDWARE_STREAM_POS FALSE // #define GDISP_HARDWARE_DRAWPIXEL FALSE // #define GDISP_HARDWARE_CLEARS FALSE // #define GDISP_HARDWARE_FILLS FALSE // #define GDISP_HARDWARE_BITFILLS FALSE // #define GDISP_HARDWARE_SCROLL FALSE // #define GDISP_HARDWARE_PIXELREAD FALSE // #define GDISP_HARDWARE_CONTROL FALSE // #define GDISP_HARDWARE_QUERY FALSE // #define GDISP_HARDWARE_CLIP FALSE // #define GDISP_PIXELFORMAT GDISP_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888 // #endif //#define GDISP_USE_GFXNET FALSE // #define GDISP_GFXNET_PORT 13001 // #define GDISP_GFXNET_CUSTOM_LWIP_STARTUP FALSE // #define GDISP_DONT_WAIT_FOR_NET_DISPLAY FALSE // #define GDISP_GFXNET_UNSAFE_SOCKETS FALSE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GWIN // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define GFX_USE_GWIN TRUE #define GWIN_NEED_WINDOWMANAGER TRUE // #define GWIN_REDRAW_IMMEDIATE FALSE // #define GWIN_REDRAW_SINGLEOP FALSE // #define GWIN_NEED_FLASHING FALSE // #define GWIN_FLASHING_PERIOD 250 //#define GWIN_NEED_CONSOLE FALSE // #define GWIN_CONSOLE_USE_HISTORY FALSE // #define GWIN_CONSOLE_HISTORY_AVERAGING FALSE // #define GWIN_CONSOLE_HISTORY_ATCREATE FALSE // #define GWIN_CONSOLE_ESCSEQ FALSE // #define GWIN_CONSOLE_USE_BASESTREAM FALSE // #define GWIN_CONSOLE_USE_FLOAT FALSE //#define GWIN_NEED_GRAPH FALSE //#define GWIN_NEED_GL3D FALSE #define GWIN_NEED_WIDGET TRUE //#define GWIN_FOCUS_HIGHLIGHT_WIDTH 1 // #define GWIN_NEED_LABEL FALSE // #define GWIN_LABEL_ATTRIBUTE FALSE #define GWIN_NEED_BUTTON TRUE // #define GWIN_BUTTON_LAZY_RELEASE FALSE // #define GWIN_NEED_SLIDER FALSE // #define GWIN_SLIDER_NOSNAP FALSE // #define GWIN_SLIDER_DEAD_BAND 5 // #define GWIN_SLIDER_TOGGLE_INC 20 // #define GWIN_NEED_CHECKBOX TRUE // #define GWIN_NEED_IMAGE FALSE // #define GWIN_NEED_IMAGE_ANIMATION FALSE // #define GWIN_NEED_RADIO FALSE // #define GWIN_NEED_LIST FALSE // #define GWIN_NEED_LIST_IMAGES FALSE // #define GWIN_NEED_PROGRESSBAR FALSE // #define GWIN_PROGRESSBAR_AUTO FALSE // #define GWIN_NEED_KEYBOARD FALSE // #define GWIN_KEYBOARD_DEFAULT_LAYOUT VirtualKeyboard_English1 // #define GWIN_NEED_KEYBOARD_ENGLISH1 TRUE // #define GWIN_NEED_TEXTEDIT FALSE // #define GWIN_FLAT_STYLING FALSE // #define GWIN_WIDGET_TAGS FALSE //#define GWIN_NEED_CONTAINERS FALSE // #define GWIN_NEED_CONTAINER FALSE // #define GWIN_NEED_FRAME FALSE // #define GWIN_NEED_TABSET FALSE // #define GWIN_TABSET_TABHEIGHT 18 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GEVENT // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define GFX_USE_GEVENT TRUE //#define GEVENT_ASSERT_NO_RESOURCE TRUE //#define GEVENT_MAXIMUM_SIZE 32 //#define GEVENT_MAX_SOURCE_LISTENERS 32 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GTIMER // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define GFX_USE_GTIMER TRUE //#define GTIMER_THREAD_PRIORITY HIGH_PRIORITY //#define GTIMER_THREAD_WORKAREA_SIZE 2048 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GQUEUE // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define GFX_USE_GQUEUE TRUE #define GQUEUE_NEED_ASYNC TRUE //#define GQUEUE_NEED_GSYNC FALSE //#define GQUEUE_NEED_FSYNC FALSE //#define GQUEUE_NEED_BUFFERS FALSE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GINPUT // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define GFX_USE_GINPUT TRUE #define GINPUT_NEED_MOUSE TRUE // #define GINPUT_TOUCH_STARTRAW FALSE // #define GINPUT_TOUCH_NOTOUCH FALSE // #define GINPUT_TOUCH_NOCALIBRATE FALSE // #define GINPUT_TOUCH_NOCALIBRATE_GUI FALSE // #define GINPUT_MOUSE_POLL_PERIOD 25 // #define GINPUT_MOUSE_CLICK_TIME 300 // #define GINPUT_TOUCH_CXTCLICK_TIME 700 // #define GINPUT_TOUCH_USER_CALIBRATION_LOAD FALSE // #define GINPUT_TOUCH_USER_CALIBRATION_SAVE FALSE // #define GMOUSE_DRIVER_LIST GMOUSEVMT_Win32, GMOUSEVMT_Win32 //#define GINPUT_NEED_KEYBOARD FALSE // #define GINPUT_KEYBOARD_POLL_PERIOD 200 // #define GKEYBOARD_DRIVER_LIST GKEYBOARDVMT_Win32, GKEYBOARDVMT_Win32 // #define GKEYBOARD_LAYOUT_OFF FALSE // #define GKEYBOARD_LAYOUT_SCANCODE2_US FALSE //#define GINPUT_NEED_TOGGLE FALSE //#define GINPUT_NEED_DIAL FALSE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GFILE // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#define GFX_USE_GFILE FALSE //#define GFILE_NEED_PRINTG FALSE //#define GFILE_NEED_SCANG FALSE //#define GFILE_NEED_STRINGS FALSE //#define GFILE_NEED_FILELISTS FALSE //#define GFILE_NEED_STDIO FALSE //#define GFILE_NEED_NOAUTOMOUNT FALSE //#define GFILE_NEED_NOAUTOSYNC FALSE //#define GFILE_NEED_MEMFS FALSE //#define GFILE_NEED_ROMFS FALSE //#define GFILE_NEED_RAMFS FALSE //#define GFILE_NEED_FATFS FALSE //#define GFILE_NEED_NATIVEFS FALSE //#define GFILE_NEED_CHBIOSFS FALSE //#define GFILE_ALLOW_FLOATS FALSE //#define GFILE_ALLOW_DEVICESPECIFIC FALSE //#define GFILE_MAX_GFILES 3 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GADC // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#define GFX_USE_GADC FALSE //#define GADC_MAX_LOWSPEED_DEVICES 4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GAUDIO // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#define GFX_USE_GAUDIO FALSE // #define GAUDIO_NEED_PLAY FALSE // #define GAUDIO_NEED_RECORD FALSE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GMISC // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#define GFX_USE_GMISC FALSE //#define GMISC_NEED_ARRAYOPS FALSE //#define GMISC_NEED_FASTTRIG FALSE //#define GMISC_NEED_FIXEDTRIG FALSE //#define GMISC_NEED_INVSQRT FALSE // #define GMISC_INVSQRT_MIXED_ENDIAN FALSE // #define GMISC_INVSQRT_REAL_SLOW FALSE //#define GMISC_NEED_MATRIXFLOAT2D FALSE //#define GMISC_NEED_MATRIXFIXED2D FALSE #endif /* _GFXCONF_H */ I created my project, using STM32CubeMX, and then added uGFX. This project - is just for evaluating and understanding uGFX. This is not a high priority task for me (I have another tasks to do), but in any way I will have to learn how to make CubeMX compatible project with uGFX included. I think, sample Keil project for M7 will be a great help to do it.
Initially I used release 24 (14 nov 2015), but now downloaded the lastest version from repository. Compiler information (got by calling Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\bin\armcc.exe from command line): Compiler control string: -c --cpu Cortex-M7.fp.sp -D__MICROLIB -g -O0 --apcs=interwork --split_sections -I../Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc -I../Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/Legacy -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Include -I../Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F7xx/Include -I../ugfx -I..\ugfx\boards\base\STM32F746-Discovery -I..\ugfx\src\gdisp\mcufont --C99 --diag_suppress 111,1293,68,767,61,83 -I C:\Users\Admin\Documents\STM\uC_uGFX_F7\MDK-ARM\RTE -I C:\Keil_v5\ARM\PACK\ARM\CMSIS\4.5.0\CMSIS\Include -I C:\Keil_v5\ARM\PACK\Keil\STM32F7xx_DFP\2.3.0\Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F7xx\Include -D__UVISION_VERSION="517" -D_RTE_ -DSTM32F746xx -DUSE_HAL_DRIVER -DSTM32F746xx -o "uC_uGFX_F7 Configuration/\*.o" --omf_browse "uC_uGFX_F7 Configuration/\*.crf" --depend "uC_uGFX_F7 Configuration/\*.d" And there is one more thing, I have to inform: I added #include "stm32f7xx_hal.h" to the top of stm32f746g_discovery_sdram.c and gdisp_lld_STM32LTDC.c files, because in other case there were a lot of identical compiler errors: "Identifier "Hal_StatusTypeDef" in undefined". Maybe it is a result of incorrect configuration of my project for ugfx?
Thank you for fast answer! Two days ago I have already tried to define GFX_CPU as GFX_CPU_CORTEX_M7_FP or GFX_CPU_CORTEX_M7, but it causes another problem: compilation errors in gos_x_threads.c Error: expected a ')' In code ": [newtcxt] "=m" (newt->cxt)": static __attribute__((pcs("aapcs-vfp"),naked)) void _gfxTaskSwitch(thread *oldt, thread *newt) { __asm__ volatile ( "push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, lr} \n\t" "vpush {s16-s31} \n\t" "str sp, %[oldtcxt] \n\t" "ldr sp, %[newtcxt] \n\t" "vpop {s16-s31} \n\t" "pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, pc} \n\t" : [newtcxt] "=m" (newt->cxt) // Error : [oldtcxt] "m" (oldt->cxt) : "memory"); } static __attribute__((pcs("aapcs-vfp"),naked)) void _gfxStartThread(thread *oldt, thread *newt) { newt->cxt = (char *)newt + newt->size; __asm__ volatile ( "push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, lr} \n\t" "vpush {s16-s31} \n\t" "str sp, %[oldtcxt] \n\t" "ldr sp, %[newtcxt] \n\t" : [newtcxt] "=m" (newt->cxt) // Error : [oldtcxt] "m" (oldt->cxt) : "memory"); // Run the users function gfxThreadExit(current->fn(current->param)); }
Hello! I try to use uGFX without OS (RAW32) and with Keil5 IDE. Board: STM32F746G-DISCO Base project was generated with CubeMX, and ugfx was integrated in it by adding ugfx_mk.c, display driver gdisp_lld_STM32LTDC.c, RAW32 timing functions definitions, and other necessary "c" files. GDISP functions work fine - I can draw everything I want. Then I used code from the example of ivan47(link) that creates button widget and then listening for events (main.c). This example was tested by me on STM32F4 board, and worked fine. But in my program (on STM32F7 board) button doesn't appear, and, as I noticed, geventEventWait function never finishes its execution, even in case when TIME_INFINITE max delay repleced by, for example, 5000. gfxconf is identical to one from the example (but OS - RAW32 instead of CHIBI). Can somebody guess, what's wrong? Thanks in advance!