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Posts posted by tctippens

  1. I have upgraded my toolchain from GNU Tools ARM Embedded 4.9.3 to GNU Tools ARM Embedded 5.2.4. I edited the PATH in Eclipse to first list the GNU toolchain and then Cygwin. I am still getting the following errors:

    Program "gcc" not found in PATH

    Program "g++" not found in PATH

    Eclipse says these errors are a "C/C++ Scanner Discovery Problem" and points me to the location "Project Properties, C++ Preprocessor Include/Providers, [CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings] options". 

    This is the same error that I had before with the 4.9.3 toolchain in Eclipse. For some reason when I try to compile in the Cygwin terminal, I get the other error of not recognizing cortex-m7.


  2. I have followed the steps in the previous post and am getting the following error:

    Compiling STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_hal.c
    arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe: error: unrecognized argument in option '-mcpu=cortex-m7'
    arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe: note: valid arguments to '-mcpu=' are: arm1020e arm1020t arm1022e arm1026ej-s arm10e arm10tdmi arm1136j-s arm1136jf-s arm1156t2-s arm1156t2f-s arm1176jz-s arm1176jzf-s arm2 arm250 arm3 arm6 arm60 arm600 arm610 arm620 arm7 arm70 arm700 arm700i arm710 arm7100 arm710c arm710t arm720 arm720t arm740t arm7500 arm7500fe arm7d arm7di arm7dm arm7dmi arm7m arm7tdmi arm7tdmi-s arm8 arm810 arm9 arm920 arm920t arm922t arm926ej-s arm940t arm946e-s arm966e-s arm968e-s arm9e arm9tdmi cortex-a15 cortex-a5 cortex-a7 cortex-a8 cortex-a9 cortex-m0 cortex-m1 cortex-m3 cortex-m4 cortex-r4 cortex-r4f cortex-r5 ep9312 fa526 fa606te fa626 fa626te fa726te fmp626 generic-armv7-a iwmmxt iwmmxt2 mpcore mpcorenovfp native strongarm strongarm110 strongarm1100 strongarm1110 xscale
    make: *** [build/obj/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_hal.o] Error 1

    This seems to be set in the Makefile included in the zipped project above:

    # MCU flags
    MCUFLAGS      = -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m7


    Does this need to be changed or am I missing something?



  3. I believe I have applied all of the suggestions recommended in this thread, but I am not sure how to use cygwin's mkdir in Eclipse. I keep getting errors saying "recipe for target 'build/obj/../uGFX/src/gfx.o' failed", and that "Program "gcc" not found in PATH".



  4. Joel,

    Is the example project you provided earlier in this thread still available? I have not been able to find it after the switch to "community.ugfx.org" took place a few days ago. It does not appear to be attached to your earlier post now.

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