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Everything posted by jayjiang

  1. I think most of the mcu can not provide so many RAM to hold the such font file. BTW, emWin has it's solution which is XBF.
  2. I need to display Chinese on my LCD, But the font size is too large(more than 1M Byte) to store in inside memory. What can I do to put it in external spi flash?
  3. mcufont_encoder.exe import_ttf simfang.ttf 16 bw mcufont_encoder.exe rlefont_export simfang16bw.dat simfang.zip
  4. yes, for now I use a function to convert utf16 to utf8 and then display it. it works fine.
  5. you can just find the problem in "compute_char_ranges()" function.
  6. if _LFN_UNICODE marco is disabled, fatfs libary will convert the LFN from unicode to codepage(eg. 936 or ascii). Codepage could not directly convert to utf8 and need convert back to unicode first. I hope you understand what I am saying because my english grammar is poor.
  7. I ‘ve read the source code but I think I can't finish it in a short time. I simply use _LFN_UNICODE macro to get this job done(use two funtions unicode_to_utf8(), utf8_to_unicode()). Sorry for not helping.
  8. 1.For this question, I download the mcufont encoder' s source file and compile it into windows execute file. I found the offset table' s size is limited by 64KB. for Chinese character,is not enough. So may be you guys can check it again. 2.I wonder if I could display Chinese on widgets? 3.I want to display the file name(Chinese) which read from FatFs but FatFs will convert it from unicode to cc396(GBK). I must convert it to unicode then to UTF8 for display. So I want to know if ugfx can support UTF16(I know mcufont is support it, but ugfx' s widgets (e.g. list) is not support)?
  9. thanks for replying my question!
  10. Hi, I upload a .ttf file which include chineese characters to online font converter, but I found it only converted a few characters(I've selected "no filter" option).
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