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Everything posted by zhw7238

  1. if you use ugfx with c++, you need add this in checkbox.h( added code in red ) /* A Checkbox window */ typedef struct GCheckboxObject { GWidgetObject w; #if GINPUT_NEED_TOGGLE uint16_t toggle; #endif } GCheckboxObject; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif .... #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _GWIN_CHECKBOX_H */ /** @} */
  2. same as i reported for progressbar.c; the gwinGImageCreate need add red line , otherwise in gwinImageOpenFile may crashed. ENV: MCU=STM32F103VT IDE =IAR 6.6 GHandle gwinGImageCreate(GDisplay *g, GImageObject *gobj, GWindowInit *pInit) { if (!(gobj = (GImageObject *)_gwindowCreate(g, &gobj->g, pInit, &imageVMT, 0))) return 0; // Ensure the gdispImageIsOpen() gives valid results gobj->image.type = 0; gobj->image.fns = 0;//add for fix this bug // Initialise the timer #if GWIN_NEED_IMAGE_ANIMATION gtimerInit(&gobj->timer); #endif gwinSetVisible((GHandle)gobj, pInit->show); return (GHandle)gobj; }
  3. GHandle gwinGProgressbarCreate(GDisplay *g, GProgressbarObject *gs, const GWidgetInit *pInit) { if (!(gs = (GProgressbarObject *)_gwidgetCreate(g, &gs->w, pInit, &progressbarVMT))) return 0; gs->min = 0; gs->max = 100; gs->res = 1; gs->pos = 0; gs->delay = 0; gtimerInit(&gs->gt);//GTimer need init, otherwise call gwinProgressbarStop will crash, my MCU is STM32F103VT ResetDisplayPos(gs); gwinSetVisible((GHandle)gs, pInit->g.show); return (GHandle)gs; }
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