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Everything posted by Kirill

  1. I found if I try to assign only "down" button: gwinAttachToggle(ghList1, BUTTON_ENTER, 0) Without assign "up" button. Click actually does not works. (Inside code I found that GLIST_FLG_SELECTED assign from element 0 to element1 but at the same time event "up" emitted too and it moves select flag from element 1 to element 0). It works correctly only if I assign both button: gwinAttachToggle(ghList1, BUTTON_ENTER, 0) gwinAttachToggle(ghList1, BUTTON_ESC, 1)
  2. I think example should be like this: static void createWidgets(void) { GWidgetInit wi; gwinWidgetClearInit(&wi); // Apply the list parameters wi.g.width = 200; wi.g.height = 100; wi.g.y = 10; wi.g.x = 10; wi.text = "List Name"; // Create the actual list ghList1 = gwinListCreate(NULL, &wi, FALSE); }
  3. Hi, I figured out some strange behaviour I tried to do example from here https://wiki.ugfx.io/index.php/List In example: static void createWidgets(void) { GWidgetInit wi; // Apply some default values for GWIN wi.customDraw = 0; wi.customParam = 0; wi.customStyle = 0; wi.g.show = FALSE; // Apply the list parameters wi.g.width = 200; wi.g.height = 100; wi.g.y = 10; wi.g.x = 10; wi.text = "List Name"; // Create the actual list ghList1 = gwinListCreate(NULL, &wi, FALSE); } There are no wi.g.parent set. So during initialisation we add widget to windowManager using this function: bool_t _gwinWMAdd(GHandle gh, const GWindowInit *pInit) { #if GWIN_NEED_CONTAINERS // Save the parent gh->parent = pInit->parent; // Ensure the display is consistent with any parents if (gh->parent && (!(gh->parent->flags & GWIN_FLG_CONTAINER) || gh->display != gh->parent->display)) return FALSE; #endif // Add to the window manager if (!_GWINwm->vmt->Add(gh, pInit)) return FALSE; #if GWIN_NEED_CONTAINERS // Notify the parent it has been added if (gh->parent && ((gcontainerVMT *)gh->parent->vmt)->NotifyAdd) ((gcontainerVMT *)gh->parent->vmt)->NotifyAdd(gh->parent, gh); #endif return TRUE; } Look at this condition: if (gh->parent && (!(gh->parent->flags & GWIN_FLG_CONTAINER) || gh->display != gh->parent->display)) return FALSE If parent not NULL it started to check display and display not equal (actually it is just a trash) To fix that behaviour need to clean parent (wi.g.parent = NULL;) I think we should have function to clean Widget structure before initialise.
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