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Everything posted by Sahsuvar

  1. yes this is enough now but I will customize it as soon as posible I wil share
  2. I set the LTDC_USE_DMA2D to FALSE It worked
  3. when I debuging cpu enters DMA2_Stream1_IRQHandler function
  4. with out ugfx and keilrtx I can take values. I can compile project and load to the board but the data at the DMA pointers are refreshing only at start up. are you suggesting me disable ugfx and try with only keil rtx the adc ?
  5. Hi everybody I am Using Keil 5.17 Keil RTX STM32F7 board I can take only one shot I want to show ADC input values at the a few progressbar. Without OS and ugfx I can get the values I think OS conflicts (or blocks or over writes registers) the DMA chanels Is there any suggestions ? thankyou
  6. Yes I noticed that physical registers are not directly accesable in armcc so the job is not so easy. May be we (or you) can write an external .asm file with a label "threads" and inline assembly comands send it to that label but there are input variables? I am not an asm guru. Or can you turn it into a assembled .lib file ?
  7. I am Working on it with my lack of knowledge at assambly language but it looks like easy syntax problem http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.kui0097a/armcc_cihccdja.htm **** __asm__ volatile ( "push {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, lr} \n\t" "str sp, %[oldtcxt] \n\t" "ldr sp, %[newtcxt] \n\t" : [newtcxt] "=m" (newt->cxt) : [oldtcxt] "m" (oldt->cxt) : "memory"); ***** at the link this syntax is not acceptable isn't it ? Thx
  8. Hi Is there any progression in any of those five posible solitions I faced with that __asm__ error when I change the OS alternative #define GFX_USE_OS_RAW32 TRUE thank you
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